Hello Nic,
indeed the comparison between a rock and a watch are not strong enough to sort it out once and for all the evolution - creation issue. However, the big argument I hear coming back in documentaries about the origin of life, is that things developed over many millions of years. IMO, millions of years in itself do not make things happen, and prove nothing at all. It leaves a lot of gaps and unanswered questions. I find it at least as weak an argument as the "God designed it" argument, if not weaker. This is only amplified by the fact that all life on earth has disappeared a number of times, the youngest occurrence not that many million years ago, and life had to start from scratch again, so many million years of developments lost. The God I like to believe in is an experimental architect, who had to review quite often his design, hence the various clean-ups. It might not make him a nice personality, bit I find it more logic.