I finally did it!!

by Free!! 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Free!!

    So, even thought I faded more than a year ago, i still had my WT "library" w me, i am talking about the actual books! dozens of them... well, this past week i have been thinking and talking to some (JW) friends and i realized i dont EVER want to go back to that mess... so, i threw EVERY SINGLE one of those books in the dumpster about 15 minutes ago... and it felt GREAT!!

    I had 3 boxes of books, i mean trash.... and it while throwing in the dumpster i promise, i felt like I was throwing my anger with it... i feel renew... ready to start the 1st day of the rest of my life!! :)

    Just wanted to share!!

  • moshe

    Most of us have done that, too- congratulations!

  • Balsam

    Hey did you know sometimes folks will pay for those very books you just tossed in the trash. Yep some of the ex-jw's buy them to do research. But I know it felt so darn good to throw them out. I started to do the same thing but ended up selling them on ebay and making a litte money on them.


  • mummatron

    Yay! Way to go.

    I left all mine behind (accidentally on purpose) when I moved out of my parents' home. If I had to do it again I'd stick them in the recycling bank so they can be made into something useful, hahaha!

  • godrulz

    Counter-cult ministries might have appreciated them. Hopefully, they don't fall into the wrong hands and someone actually converts to JW with them. You did the right thing and it is spiritual warfare to break free from these unbiblical influences. Congrats. Now that you have a vacuum, I trust you will be open to entering relationship with the real Jesus (YHWH) who will give you love, joy, peace, abundant/eternal life (Jn. 14:6 person, not an organization like Catholic Church, WT GB, LDS/Mormon prophets, etc.).

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    I know how that feels cuz I did it, too. Right into the dumpster, the only place befitting (hate that word!) those pieces of wasted paper.

    Personally, I never did really believe that anyone converted based on a WT found in the garbage.


    OMFG godrulz! Why MUST someone go from one thing right into another? Why do you lay that pressure on others of "trusting that you'll do the right thing" in regards accepting Jesus, who's been proven to be a rewrite of ancient gods and goddesses?

    It sounds like you are looking down your nose at them while slapping a ruler in your palm.

    Good grief.

  • fade_away

    Hey cuz! You know I still have my books and my suitcase. I have all my suits in my closet too. Maybe one of these days I'll throw them out too. I don't know why I hesitate, but sometimes as I'm doing my research on the bogusness (is that a word?) of this religion, I look through their books and ask myself how I ever believed this crap. The red Apcalypse book talks bad about the U.N even though the WT was affiliated with them at the time. The books sometimes help me see their hypocrisy. The only time I open up their books is to study more on their hypocrisy. But maybe one day I'll get sick and tired of seeing their falsehoods and I can finally throw it all away. Right now it's hard to get over.

  • JimmyPage

    I enjoy throwing out the literature as well. Problem is, my wife keeps bringing more home.

  • godrulz

    Is there a WT/JW museum somewhere? I hope someday the WT will not exist and it will be the talk of history as a curiosity (I am not holding my breath; ironically, the Tribulation/Armageddon will be the end of WT/JWs, but a great opportunity to become Christians instead of cultists before Christ's visible return; the only JWs that will be in the millennium will be ex-JWs, now followers of Jesus vs WT).

  • Hortensia

    the dumpster is a good place for all that crap.

    As for ex-jws using it all for research, if you're still reading that crap, you haven't really left, even if you tell yourself you're looking for flaws

    Turn your back on it all, go out in the sunshine and enjoy life

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