I finally did it!!

by Free!! 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard

    It does feel good, Free!!.Enjoy.

    Hortensia: I agree with you.

  • sizemik

    Yes indeed! . . . I remember the day very well . . . very therapeutic and symbolic.

    Oh . . . and if you really do need to find something again . . . most of it can be accessed on the net. Otherwise you can just ask here.

    LOL @ JimmyPage . . . all those poor trees!

  • Think About It
    Think About It
    OMFG godrulz! Why MUST someone go from one thing right into another? Why do you lay that pressure on others of "trusting that you'll do the right thing" in regards accepting Jesus, who's been proven to be a rewrite of ancient gods and goddesses?

    Right on! Way to bitch slap the cult vulture.

    Think About It

  • cantleave

    We did the same - every book except "Commetary on the letter James" an original 1968 "Truth Book" (with Nugget's underlining) and a "Make Sure of all Things".

  • Ding

    No doubt about it.

    Getting rid of all that WT stuff can feel very good.

    The only thing that troubles me about this is that the GB WANTS everyone to throw that "old light" away and forget they ever said it!

  • Morbidzbaby

    I just tossed all my WT horsecrap a few weeks ago. I didn't offer it to my parents, I didn't say "Well, maybe I might need this for research..." It's garbage, plain and simple, and in the garbage bin is where it belongs with all the other refuse.

    The only thing I think I may have done with it, if I hadn't chucked it, was sell them on ebay and donate the profits to victims of the prolific sexual abuse that goes on in this cult.


    It feels good to throw out WBT$ Crap Literature..

    I might buy some so I can do it again..

    thsmilie_happy_251.gif image by GeneralWaco

    mutley-ani1.gif image by GeneralWaco ...OUTLAW

  • badseed

    LOL outlaw, that's funny.

  • journey-on

    Best to rid yourself of it all. (It's probably demonized, anyway...lol) But 20 yrs. from now, you'll probably still find an old Kingdom Ministry at the bottom of a box of stored stuff like I did recently. It felt like a blast from the past.

    I never did get rid of that old sickeningly bright green NWT though. I need a reminder sometimes of the extent they will go to be perceived as "different". What a crock!

  • Free!!

    YES everyone it felt GREAT!! every second of it... i know i could have sold it somewhere... but for me it was more about liberation and new starts... like sizemik said it was therapeutic.... I kept cleaning the apartment today and found some other stuff and everything went to the dumpster... it really feels like i am removing a huge burden of my back!

    And Godrulz i appreciate your concern, but i will make my decisions whatever those are when the time comes and i am ready... i believe in having time for myself and finding me before i can find new beliefs (if that ever happens)....

    @Fade_Away: Cuz i understand, the time will come when you will finally be able to let go.. no research no nothing, just breaking the chain and never looking back!!! Is good you are doing your research, it will help you make the decision faster!

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