The contents of your mind consist of:
1.The things you know
2.The things you know you don't know
3.The things you don't know which you don't know you don't know.
Did you get all that?
1.I know my name is Terry Edwin Walstrom
2.I know I don't know the square root of minus one
3.This is the scary answer (!)
Among the things you don't know there might be "facts" which aren't facts.
When a little kid thinks about Santa Claus or heaven or monsters- that child doesn't know the facts AND YET is operating off of a sort
of data base of seeming facts. (Let us NOT call them false beliefs.. "Belief" requires awareness of effort to believe and the intangibile missing proof.)
The child THINKS about these things and those thoughts come from SOMEBODY SOMEWHERE he/she has no reason to doubt or mistrust or fear.
What you and I think about always connects those three categories like interlocking circles.
1.The things you know
2.The things you know you don't know
3.The things you don't know which you don't know you don't know.
There are areas a little bit IN and a little bit OUT of absolutely clear and identifiable certainty.
So what?
This is the interesting part.
Without the ability to use partially true information AS THOUGH IT WERE ENTIRELY TRUE humanity could not make progress.
Doubt that?
Insects, animals and all life forms operate on a "given" set of circumstances. We call that instinct. Beyond that instinct few dare tred.
Life forms survive or NOT based on each successive moment of DEALING WITH REALITY. Each success extends life long enough for yet another encounter.
Humanity dominates all other life forms. Why?
Humanity has a "stupid" factor it is able to exploit.
What is this Stupid factor? Humans act AS THOUGH.....without proof....complete fact...are theirs.
In a Poker game a bluff can win the pot against another player's superior hand.
The BLUFF appears as confidence.
But, in this discussion, the BLUFFER cannot and does not actually KNOW when he is bluffing!
The function of dealing with what DOES NOT ACTUALLY EXIST as though it =to reality.
Are you with me so far?
This is what comes next.......
When enough people act AS THOUGH they possess special knowledge (not knowing this is untrue) that confidence fuels a sense of purpose to achieve.
A purposeful achiever will MAKE PROGRESS.
The skeptic, the doubter, the cautious temporizer is crippled by what he is AWARE OF THAT HE DOES NOT KNOW.
Which one moves forward and which one is stuck?
This is where many of us find ourselves.
Jehovah's Witnesses possess the TRUE KNOWLEDGE (which does not exist) and move forward confidently acting on their purpose.
They do not and will not entertain DOUBT.
The so-called Apostate is a threat only because JW's seek to preserve ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY (they don't know what they don't know) which
empowers their joy, community and assurance.
The Governing Body is the source of KNOWLEDGE (which isn't actual fact or even knowledge OF anything real) which gives them certainty.
The person leaving behind the JW source of "Knowledge" (which isn't knowledge) LOSES the empowering confidence of absolute certainty.
Investigating ACTUAL FACTS gnaws away the ABILITY to act postively and ambitiously toward a confident purpose.
Losing the "Stupid" factor (acting confidently without fact) stops them dead in their tracks and life comes to a standstill.
Ex-JW's bog down in PROCESS. Process without Progress.
Process without Progress is merely overlapping the two circles of what you know you don't know and what you Don't know you don't know!
IT MAKES LITTLE REAL WORLD DIFFERENCE once you lose the motor that drives your world!!
We are trapped in this space between "heaven" and "hell" by what we KNOW we know...what we KNOW we DON'T know and---sadly, most of all by what we DON'T KNOW we don't know.
This awful state of limbo causes many to immediately trade the JW CERTAINTY for another brand. It may be "spirituality", "GOD talk", Mainstream christianity, or "other".
The addiction to KNOWING (which they mistakenly call:FAITH) is too great to avoid.
If you find this is true in your life you now know something very very scary!
Life without MEANING is too much of an empty reality to face.
MEANING requires acting as though you know what you cannot: future certainty.