How do I hide likes on facebook?

by Iamallcool 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • WontLeave

    Some pages won't allow comments and posts unless you "like" the page, so I understand why IAmAllCool would want to do this.

  • GOrwell

    google about how to create lists of certain people (eg all JW 'friends') in facebook.. then in the privacy settings, exclude that group of people from being able to view your list of friends (sneaky, but handy) or your pages/groups or anything else there..

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    Anything you post on Facebook will eventually be made public whether you like it or not. Advertisers simply buy the information even if you don't want it to be public to everyone. Facebook is against privacy, that's how they make money.

  • WontLeave

    I only hide my likes and posts from JWs I believe will start problems. JWs from other areas of the country and ones I feel won't run to the elders, I want to see things I post and check out the groups I like. I feel I can do more good from inside than out. If a JW "unfriends" me, no great loss. There's no such thing as a JW friend, anyway. All JW relationships are just opportunities, thus all the conditions on keeping them. (at least in my experience)

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises
    There's no such thing as a JW friend, anyway. All JW relationships are just opportunities, thus all the conditions on keeping them. (at least in my experience)

    That's been my experience too.

  • Chariklo
    There's no such thing as a JW friend, anyway. All JW relationships are just opportunities, thus all the conditions on keeping them.

    I'm not sure that can be entirely true, as an absolute statement. I can think of one family who are most definitely an exception.

    Just one, but that one makes the statement in its absolute form invalid. As a general rule, I agree. The principles about "close association" expressed in “Keep Yourselves in God’s Love” don't really have anything to do with friendship at all.

    "How can we apply the principle behind Paul’s warnings? By avoiding close association with anyone—inside or outside the congregation—who could be a corrupting influence. (2 Thessalonians 3:6, 7, 14) We must protect our spirituality. Remember that like a sponge, we absorb the attitudes and ways of our close friends. Just as we cannot submerge a sponge in vinegar and expect it to fill with water, so we cannot associate with those who exert a negative influence and expect to absorb what is positive."

    It's as though people are just resources for spirituality. Friendship doesn't come into it.

    Sorry if this is too off topic, but it followed from the earlier bits of the thread.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Facebook itself will screw you over, no matter what you do.

    It kept hounding me and hounding me for a cell phone number - for security - to easily get my password back, etc.

    So finally I give in and go through the process. One of the last steps is a check-box for whether you want to show the number to friends or not. I UN-check the box.

    An hour later the phone rings. Strange number. No message. I look at FB and my phone number is on display there for the whole effin world to see.

    You can't trust FB with any information. Can't even trust them to keep secret what you tell them to. You have to be constantly vigilant and keep resetting your settings. FB sucks, honestly.

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