
by sabastious 136 Replies latest jw friends

  • ProdigalSon

    Nate Merritt may have his own "truth", but that's the way Gnosticism works. You can only look within for answers. You can only find God through meditation and self-awakening. If your intuition then tells you to kill people or rape children, you're finding the wrong god, and his name is "Ego". Acting upon those evil ideas will bring serious ramifications known as karma. You cannot infringe upon the free will of others without having your own free will violated. The only proof of "God" you will find are the laws he out into place. Violate them and see what happens. Honor them and see the Light.

  • PSacramento
    To me, not even the jumping spider on the wall in my living room is considered lowly. The vast majority of all life that has ever existed here has become extinct and yet, still, here we and that spider are. We are NOT lowly.
    Don't believe the lie that existence of a life can be somehow compared against another in any way including God.

    A perfect opinion for a theological thread :)

    Why I view humans as lowly ( not worthless mind you, for when I say lowly I mean that we live and act below our potential) is quite simple:

    We know what is right and yet we do what is wrong, our fallen nature is one of pride and arrogance when we have no reason to be prideful and arrogant. We are lowly ( for lack of a better word) because we refuse to rise to our potential ( something that can only be done WITH God).

    As for your spider, he is far higher than US for the spider does what he does for he can do nothing else, WE on the other hand, do what we do even though we KNOW we can do more.

    We are far "lowly" than the spider.

  • godrulz

    Can the Constantine theory. WT distortions of history, including their own on their new DVD, are not to be trusted. Gnosticism is refuted by Scripture, not just Catholics. The canonicity of Scripture is also divine providence, not Catholic conspiracy (interesting how WT uses the Protestant canon and a pagan calendar, yet won't celebrate birthdays, Christmas, etc.).

  • sabastious

    Godrulz have you returned Ziddina's books yet?


  • godrulz

    Who is Zid and which books are you alluding to? Obviously I don't have them, but I would be interested in the point of your jab.

  • sabastious
    Who is Zid and which books are you alluding to? Obviously I don't have them, but I would be interested in the point of your jab.

    No reason.


  • Nickolas

    Well, sab, it seems like the end of a good thread. Well done. My perspective:

    theist existence timeline ............................................................................ ∞ .................................................................>

    atheist existence timeline .

    to me only the first dot is real. If you want to dedicate it to theology, then that is your choice. Nothing wrong with that.

  • poopsiecakes

    Godrulz have you returned Ziddina's books yet?

  • godrulz

    ?huh...first time I have been stumped here....good one.

  • NewChapter

    godrulze said: As a free will theist, I would say a former Christian who is now an atheist is an apostate

    Woo Hoo. I'm an apostate by WT rules and crazy Pentecostal standards! I am so cool. godroozedoo is arrogant enough to redifne words.


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