Here it is. The divine plan of the ages.

by ballistic 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • ballistic

    As I can't remember who emailed me asking about this, I will bring it back a couple of times.

  • ballistic

    Actually, I need to clarify my answer to question 3. I am now reading the book and it does seem that this chart is based on scriptures, even if somewhat loosely. The words of Peter and Paul are used who designated "3 worlds" or epochs; the world that was (prior to the flood), the present evil world and the world to come. These epochs are then sub divided into "ages". Each stage was a step in God's plan for the overthrow of evil. So far the pyramid shape has only been used in the book to represent the "chief cornerstone" and "perfect architect" and "the oneness" of the seed and christ in that the top half of a pyramid when seperated is still a perfect pyramid and when joined to the base still forms one perfect body.

    Only read 1 chapter - do you think I could be disfellowshipped yet?

  • GermanXJW
    (actually, I'm trying to find someone who can print it in A3 so I can frame it - but I'm just strange).

    You are not strange at all. This is from "The Epiphany Studies in the Scriptures - Series 16 - The Chart of God's Plan" by the Laymen's Home Missionary Movement (founded by Rutherford's oppononent P.S.L. Johnson):

    "We are glad to supply wall-size copie of the "Chart of the Ages" which is found in the front of this book. They are very useful in explaining to others God's great plan for the salvation of the world. A very effective way of using the Chart is to hang it on the wall at some prominent place in the home, office, or shop, where visitors can see it readily. They will usually ask questions about it, thus affording an excellent opportunity for explaining God's great plan. These charts can also be used to good advantage in Berean Bible study classes, especially where The Divine Plan of the Ages book is studied."

    If you are interested: for $15.00 it's yours. They have Tabernacle Charts as well.

    Laymen's Home Missionary Movement
    1156 St. Matthew's Road
    P.O.Box 67
    Chester Springs, Pennsylvania 19425-0067

  • Kenneson

    If anyone doubts that the the pyramid was used by the Watchtower to set dates, you might want to check Russell's own tomb sponsored by the Watchtower Bible and Tract
    Society is in the shape of a pyramid. See
    Click "On the Pyramid A Masonic Symbol."

  • ballistic

    thankyou kenneson and german, I was pleasantly suprised by what you both had to say. How on earth did you find that place German? Do they have a web site? ALso note my diagram was not from series 16 but I imagine it was used extensively.

  • GermanXJW

    Yes, they have a WebSite:

    There is also the latest catalogue of their items - including the wall-paper charts.

    I found them when studying JW history.

    They use Russell's 6 volumes SitS but also P.S.L. Johnson's (and his successor Ramond G. Jolly's) 17 ESitS. Volume 16 of the ESitS is an 351-pages(!) explanation of the chart of Russell's first volume The Divine Plan of the Ages. As you can see above there are LHMM-classes studying Russell's book.

    So, the chart is the same.

  • DIM

    I have a copy of this book in good condition, although my map is slightly ripped. insane stuff - can't believe modern day JW's believe "the truth" originated w/ this man.

  • ballistic

    Hmmmmmm interesting. What exactly is the link between them and witnesses. WItnesses are mentioned a few times on their site including here:

    Jehovah’s Witnesses—Does The Large Following Denote God’s Favor.
    Question (1958)—A member of the “Jehovah’s Witnesses” group has pointed me to the large attendances at some of their assemblies (such as the large attendance at their recent international assembly at New York) as a proof that God is specially favoring them and approves their doctrines. What would you say to this?

    Answer.—For a long time shallow religionists have used such “proofs.” However, the fact that a religious group can stage a large mass meeting, whether it be the Mohammedans, the “Jehovah’s Witnesses,” the Catholic Holy Name Society, or any other group, does not of itself prove that God’s favor is upon them or that He approves their doctrines. As history proves in innumerable instances, a multitude can be wrong almost as readily as one person can be wrong.

    The Scriptures show that in many instances in the past those approved by God have been very few comparatively, and that they usually have not had a large following. Noah is a marked example. He preached for 120 years (Gen. 6: 3) without getting any following. Jeremiah is another example. Elijah is still another. There were 850 prophets of Baal and the grooves (1 Kings 18: 19), while Elijah stood alone (v. 22); yet he was unmistakably the only one approved of God.

    A test that will determine whether any religious group’s doctrinal interpretations are approved by God is found in our Jan. issue, p. 6, viz., “Every Bible passage or doctrine must be interpreted harmoniously: (1) with itself, (2) with all other Scriptures, (3) with all other Scriptural doctrines, (4) with God’s character, (5) with the Ransom and Sin-Offerings, (6) with the purpose of God’s Plan and (7) with facts.”

  • GermanXJW

    The link between JW and the LHMM is P.S.L.Johnson, a born Jew that converted to the Lutheran faith and then became a Bible Student. Due to Russell's wish he was sent to Britain in 1917 (after Russell's death). There he thought things got wrong and dismissed two persons at the Society's office. Rutherford got angry about that and called him back to Brooklyn. There Johnson also become part of the controversy that resulted in the split into different Bible Students groups. In 1920 he founded the LHMM. He wrote those 17 volumes (!) of Epiphania Studies in the Scriptures.

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