Just a few minutes ago I log onto facebook and found this comment from a friend. I'll hide his identity,but it was and qoute:
"Well i cleaned up my FB page i got rid of all of the bad association/influence so if your still on here you must be doing something right or at least i havent caught you lol"
He has just attended a convention in North Carolina and since Friday or Saturday his FB posts have been about nothing but having his eyes opened,some serious changes coming in his association, and blah,blah,blah.
His brother-whom I am friends with more- is always probing me for info on why I don't come back to the meetings. He ALWAYS comes back to fornication. Which it is not. Thanks to this site I realize what a crock alot of that stuff is. But I know his brother is wanting to find something....ANYTHING on me. He always says if I made a mistake it's ok. That,or "I can't figure out why you don't come back. There has to be a reason."
I made sure to "Like' the comment for good measure. None of my JW friends have the slightest idea that I haven't been to a meeting in about a year. On a regular basis in about 3-4 years. And my last convention was 2002.
Damn. I need to be a CIA case agent