Watchtower Puzzle – Spirit-Directed vs Inspired

by FatFreek 2005 14 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    Watchtower Puzzle – Spirit-Directed vs Inspired

    Scan your Bible and you probably won't find the term spirit-directed. I searched for that term online and could not find a dictionary that defines it. That's puzzling in view of the fact that Watchtower publications have used it 33 times.

    I've also been mulling over the question about spirit-direction and inspiration as defined by those publications and I'm not certain that I understand a few other puzzles that seem to crop up. Maybe you can help.

    Let's first establish some Watchtower-defined principles to set the groundwork, examining what they've told the flock. You will see that the following is supported within pages of The Watchtower.

    1. Its organization is spirit-directed and, in fact, is the only such one on this earth.

    2. Jehovah's visible organization is under the control of a governing body (currently 7 men).

    3. Their governing body is Spirit-directed.

    4. This governing body approves what is written and published.

    5. The organization is run from the top down, “not from the rank and file up” .

    6. All Jehovah's Witnesses become rank and file at baptism and as witnesses are spirit-directed

    See if the nearby illustration ... [continued by link below] ...

    Len [continued]

  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    Sorry about my original post. I'm having trouble with formatting. Let's try again.

    Watchtower Puzzle – Spirit-Directed vs Inspired

    Scan your Bible and you probably won't find the term spirit-directed. I searched for that term online and could not find a dictionary that defines it. That's puzzling in view of the fact that Watchtower publications have used it 33 times.

    I've also been mulling over the question about spirit-direction and inspiration as defined by those publications and I'm not certain that I understand a few other puzzles that seem to crop up. Maybe you can help.

    Let's first establish some Watchtower-defined principles to set the groundwork, examining what they've told the flock. You will see that the following is supported within pages of The Watchtower.

    1. Its organization is spirit-directedi and, in fact, is the only such one on this earthii.

    2. Jehovah's visible organization is under the control of a governing bodyiii (currently 7 men).

    3. Their governing body is Spirit-directediv.

    4. This governing body approves what is written and publishedv.

    5. The organization is run from the top downvi, “not from the rank and file up” .

    6. All Jehovah's Witnesses become rank and file at baptismvii and as witnesses are spirit-directedviii

    See if the nearby illustration conveys those principles.

    While not illustrated completely, it should be obvious that a heirarchy is suggested by the graphic. Fact is, between Governing Body and Rank and File, there's a chain of offices worthy of brief (not complete) mention – zone overseer, district overseer, circuit overseer; and in the local congregation, presiding overseer, elder, and ministerial servant.

    So while all positions inside that yellow-colored icon are explained to be spirit-directed, all are clearly not equal. Behavior, for one, is treated differently. How so? Well, those with higher positions have the power to invoke punishment on those with lesser positions but that does not work in reverse.

    • Any baptized member who uses tobacco and cannot quit (not deemed repentant) will be disfellowshipped. This equally applies to one who accepts a medically-recommended blood transfusion for any reason. Note there is no stated minimum age limit for baptism. A disfellowshipped 15-year old child is not permitted a relationship with any family members who do not live within his household. His baptized grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, etc. are off-limits to regular family gatherings. Even his siblings who no longer live within his household.

    • The governing body is immune to punitive action from its members. The same group responsible for the failed published date predictions, doctrinal teaching contradictions and flip-flops, are not held accountable despite the fact that they've never apologized or repented of such egregious behavior.

    Spirit-directed vs Inspired There are two other puzzling Watchtower-stated principles that we should consider.

    1. The words of Jesus were spirit-directedix.

    2. The words of the apostles were spirit-directedx.

    What makes those statements intriguing is that Watchtower has understandably been quick to assert that those ancient Bible-based individualsxi were inspired.

    So, which is it? Or is it both?

    1. Are Jesus and the apostles demeaned when described by a term that equally applies to modern-day blunder-makers within the Watchtower organization?

    2. Or is this so-called visible organization somehow promoted when described by the same term used for Jesus and the apostles?

    3. Or does Watchtower secretly believe that the terms spirit-directed and inspired are actually synonymous and only deny the inspiration part when they are exposed in their throng of contradiction blunders.

    4. Is spirit-directed merely a recently homebrewed term (from 1968xii onward) that Watchtower uses to deflect the blame of critics when caught in the ever-increasing magnitude of their teaching contradictions.

    What am I missing here?

    Leonard R. Miller

    (The above is my spam-guarded [remove the digits] email address if you wish to contact me.

    Addendum: Wish to email this free essay to another? Simply email the link:

    i “Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in association with God’s spirit-directed organization?” The Watchtower, 1985, 6/1 p. 30

    ii “Consider, too, the fact that Jehovah’s organization alone, in all the earth, is directed by God’s holy spirit or active force.” The Watchtower, 1973, 7/1 p. 402.

    iii As of one month ago, the names of the 7 members of the governing body are: Samuel F. Herd, Geoffrey Jackson, Stephen Lett, Anthony Morris III, Gerrit Lösch, Guy H. Pierce, and David H. Splane. ref

    iv"In such respects, the Governing Body is organized to take the lead as Jehovah directs them by holy spirit." The Watchtower, 2008, 5/15 p. 29

    v "To this day the Governing Body follows similar guidelines. Each article in both The Watchtower and Awake! and every page, including the artwork, is scrutinized by selected members of the Governing Body before it is printed. Therefore, you can read The Watchtower and Awake! with confidence." The Watchtower, 1987, Mar. 1, p.15

    vi “ Hence it is patterned according to His design for it. It is a theocratic organization, ruled from the divine Top down, and not from the rank and file up. The dedicated, baptized members of it are under Theocracy!” The Watchtower, 1971, 12/15 p. 754

    vii “Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in association with God’s spirit-directed organization?” The Watchtower, 1985, 6/1 p. 30

    viii"Jehovah’s Witnesses from earliest times in the past century have understood that they must be willing to modify and correct their views of doctrine, practice and organizational procedure when it became apparent that Jehovah’s spirit was directing them toward such adjustments." The Watchtower, 1979, 7/1 p. 29

    "The publishers of this journal do not hesitate to say that Jehovah’s Witnesses fit the Bible’s description of the people having holy spirit." The Watchtower, 2010, 10/1 p. 31

    ix “JEHOVAH’S servants must pay attention to the spirit-directed words of Jesus Christ ....” The Watchtower, 2003, 5/15 p. 15 par. 1.

    x “... the same spirit-directed decree of the apostles and older men at Jerusalem.-Acts 15:19, 20, 28, 29.” The Watchtower, 1986, 3/15 p. 18 par. 11.

    xi "Let us keep ever in mind the inspired words of the apostle Paul ... " The Watchtower, 1995, 4/1 p. 15.

    xii "Failure to keep in mind such spirit-directed counsel has laid the majority of men open to the wily tactics of the Devil, ..." The Watchtower, 1968, 1/15 p. 54

  • GOrwell

    Great post. I think the whole spirit-directed versus spirit-inspired is just a rabbit hole invented to deflect, as you mentioned, from previous failures. Of course, under the guise of being claiming direction by spirit, they still get to enjoy the benefits of some level of respectability and authority (Cartman : "Respect my Authoritah!"), but seemingly without any of the downsides of being actually correct in any of their teachings or predictions.

  • Ding

    Spirit-inspired = the Bible is always right

    Spirit-directed = the WT isn't always right but for the sake of uniformity you have to obey it even when it's wrong

  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2


    You have a PM


  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    Thanks, GOrwell and Ding. Very good ways to put it.

    Hi Juan. You now have a PM. Thanks for alerting me here cuz I seldom, if ever, check that static envelope.


  • alanv

    I believe that when they say the governing body is spirit directed, it simply means that they (supposedly) base all they say on the bible that was written by inspired men. That's how they can say it is spirit directed. It is also the reason that they make so many errors, because if they interprate something wrong, it just means they are relying more on their own understanding rather than using the bible to decide something.

    It would be interesting to ask them if they feel anyone else could be spirit directed!

  • the-illuminator81

    Being spirit directed is like being inspired but without any of the drawbacks like having responsibility for what you say. Now here's another one to throw into the mix: spirit-appointed. It's when you can appoint child molesters as elders and then say "Yes but God appointed him as an elder so that his sin would not stay uncovered. " It's right up there with the "God needed an extra angel, so that's why your baby sister died" excuse.

  • designs

    Its the same excuse and nuance that the Evangelicals here use. Anytime you point out a contradiction in their philosophy and Beliefs or point to bad behavior they jump on the nuance.

  • discreetslave

    Hello I'm new here!!!

    The difference is supposed to be Inspiration = a revelation or communication directly from God

    Direction= guidance of thought, action, & conduct Both inspiration & direction come through holy spirit works disprove the claim.

    A bible writer was inspired from Jehovah ANY bible reader can use those words to direct or guide them in life unless they speak twisted things for their own selfish purposes (1 Tim 4:1-5) This is where christianity was to be superior to the law. Paul said that understanding & teaching ability would vary but all christians are directed by God through Christs sacrifice and his word. Actions would show if their direction is from God.

    The governing body aka faithful & discreet slave(though they won't confess it) admit they are not inspired of God because they are not writing scripture they claim to be spirit directed or guided. The fact that they say no one else can personally be directed by God through scripture shows their direction stems from personal or group inspiration,ambition, and selfish motive.

    The terms spirit directed, spiritual direction are used to take advantage of people who really want to serve God but unfortunately don't have confidence in themselves to let God's word be a "lamp to their foot & light to their roadway." Now that I see through the deception I am spirit directed because I let God guide me through his Son by means of spirit & the bible.

    That's my 2 cents


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