Hi discreetslave,
Sounds like discreetslave has more sense than that body claiming to be the faithful and discreet slave.
Welcome aboard and we'd like to hear a lot more from you.
by FatFreek 2005 14 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Hi discreetslave,
Sounds like discreetslave has more sense than that body claiming to be the faithful and discreet slave.
Welcome aboard and we'd like to hear a lot more from you.
Nice work. I would add, that there is a premise in the WTS-definitions that most tend to overlook.
Baptism questions:
1) On the basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will?
2) Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with God's spirit-directed organization?
Rank-and-file JW's are not part of the organisation. They are working in association with the organisation.
Technically you first become a part of the organisation when you are announced a ministerial servant -> elder -> Circuit Overseer -> aso
What "spirit-directed" means in WTS terms is, that TGB are guided by holy spirit that gives them wisdon to appoint qualified assistants, that again can appoint bethelites, that can apppoint CO's, that can appoint elders, that can appoint ministerial servants aso. (not all accurate order of things, but it is the principle that matters here). So if you are "working against" the organisation/elders, you are working against the holy spirit, which is the only unforgiveable sin.
Or in short: Don't argue with the elders!
"Inspired" would mean that Jehova put words into his servants mouth. Once TGB claimed to be inspired also.
With Regards
Exclaimer: No! I do not believe in the JW's teaching.
If I may add: The Governing Body have taken the place of the holy spirit.
The JW teach perfect unity in mind, spirit and thought - or rather a people that works towards perfect unity.
The role-model is Jesus, who is said to be in perfect unity in mind, spirit and thought with his father, Jehova. Thus, Jesus were perfection.
All others are imperfect beings, that must strife to work toward that unity in mind, spirit and thought.
The "helper" is the holy spirit, the force which brings Jehovas will into action.
The Governing Body claims to be a body of leadership in an organisation, original chosen in 1918 by Jesus.
TGB claim to have been annointed with holy spirit, which enables them to give guidance to the followers, that are in line with Jehovas current will/need according to his longterm plan. (the bible is considered a "letter" to the annointed ones only. Others read the bible to be able to see and acknowledge TGB's authority. So, believing in the bible, means believing in TGB's authority to guide.)
So, when a JW prays for the holy spirit, the trained JW would then search in the litterature to absorb the thoughts and underlying will in the sentrences. Thus they are "raised" by TGB to go towards perfection, a state where the witness accept the "spirits-directed" guidance without resistance, a state where the witness understand the underlying will and let it become his own will. Fail in this, and the elders will come and "help" you, to bring you to the "right" state of mind.
So, "spirit-directed" means the underlying "will" that the leadership as a body "understands". Therefore they claim they are able to interpretate scriptures in order to raise "the flock" to let that "will" become the witnesses own and to "steer the ark" through the waters. It also means, that the organisation have the absolute authority over the trained witnesses lifes.
I call this whole process "spiritual rape". The traumas created are very real.
With Regards
I see this subject received 1775 views but only about 9 responses from 4 years ago .This subject has puzzled me in the past .
The Society of Jehovahs Witnesses plainly say in their literature , they are not inspired , that is to say , not inspired the same way the bible writers were.
However , they also claim in their literature that the mother organization as a whole , via the Governing Body , in particular , and extended to the writing department are Spirit directed . What is the difference between spirit directed and inspired .? They deny one but claim the other.
I would like to hear from the newbies who have come on board since this post was started ,what are your thoughts.
The Reasoning book has an interesting comment under the chapter heading of 'Bible':
*** rs p. 58 Bible ***
Jehovah God’s written Word to humankind. He used some 40 human secretaries over a period of 16 centuries to record it, but God himself actively directed the writing by his spirit. Thus it is inspired by God.
Looking at that definition, there is no differentce between being spirit directed or spirit inspired.