I hope the late night was worth the piss in the system!
I don't know what the rest of the world thinks that Americans feel, to be honest. I don't think the rest of the world gives it much thought, because they are too busy focussing on what they feel about Americans.
You know what's funny? I like to read a lot of old stuff. When you read stuff from 100-150 years ago on the subject of Britain, you get the same arguments used on both sides. And, go back 2000 years, and you get the same arguments used about the Romans!
What I think is that American's think and feel the same as all humans do. A few feel superior, very many feel compassionate to varying degrees. A tiny minority would like to have absolute power over the rest of the world, most are happy to live and let live, and want nothing more than security and a happy life for their families.
To my mind, social advancement takes place when it becomes clearer to us all that co-operation is in all our self-interests. This is true of nations as well as individuals. Anti-Americanism on the one hand, and American isolationism on the other hand, are just indicators that humanity is still just at the beginnings of this process.