I think he just got bored. That and he liked to end on a round number. He told me a while ago that he still reads the forum. I am not sure why. It's a shame but it looks like he's gone for good.
Whatever happened to Narkissos?
by tenyearsafter 20 Replies latest watchtower bible
Hi everybody,
Thanks for this thread (which a French "lurker" pointed me to yesterday) and the kind comments. I'm OK (nothing terrible has happened), just took a deep deep breath before post # 10,000.
Actually I had felt like quitting for some time before I did (even made a couple of early "goodbye threads," I know I'm not the only one ) and found that "fading" on the silly "round number" did it better in my case than some dramatic farewell. I suppose everyone deals with his addictions as he can.
I don't think I will engage again heavily in forum discussions as I did (finally) get a bit weary of that, but I'm glad to hear from you and wish you all the very best. As slimboyfat knows I have kept his posting history and Leolaia's in my "favorites" and still look these up from time to time to see what is going on.
Happy to see you Nark! Even happier to hear you have moved on. That is true success. Wishng the best to you and your family.
How's the Canadian seal-clubbing going, Nark?
Glad to hear all is well with you Narkissos!
As I mentioned, I have missed your insightful comments...even if you aren't going to be a "regular" poster, we would love to see you pop in every once in a while to check in. Take care!!
Wow good to see a new Narkissos post!
aligot ripounsous
Hi, Narkissos,
So, someone has succeeded in getting you strike 10 000 !
All the best to you and family.
good to see you back buddy.
dark angle
Although my comments seemed late, but i would like to say thank you Narkissos for your very infomative comments. I'm always wondering how you got your insightful ideas. Your post, along with Leolaia and Terry, are the ones i enjoyed reading. Goodluck buddy!
nice to hear from you Narkissos!