A new term for 'just around the corner'...unbelievable. sad.

by tresdecu 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • tresdecu

    Heard this from a friend of a friend via an email locally circulating. Are you ready? Take a deep breath...

    "The end of this system is just a whisper away..." From a CA talk I think, maybe even from the DC, I can't remember. The really funny thing is I just googled "a whisper away" and it's from a Donna Summer song about heaven. Laugh my ass off!!!

    Whatever dolt spoke those words to his poor audiance, he couldn't even think of something original.

    I remember last year I heard "we are at the doorstep of the great trib." How many more will there be in the next 10, 25, 50 years...oh my god. So sad.

  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard

    It seems that alot of dubs are very excited that the end is verrrrrrrrrrrrrry close.

    I've not seen that since 1975.

    Maybe its the 2012 prophecy.

    And there has just been another earthquake: near Corsica. Scarey stuff..... I dont think.

  • Magwitch

    Very Sad!

    My 95 year old grandmother said recently ..."It sure has been a very large corner"

  • leavingwt
  • leavingwt
  • chickpea

    great graphic LWT!

    that pesky end of this system!

    ever approaching, never arriving...

    at least not the way the JWs are anticipating....

  • thetrueone

    Hey we're a publishing house, who cares and so what if some people wont believe what we say or will refute what we say,

    there's always the ones that will. Herding the naive and gullible is easy, if we've been doing this End Times schtick for decades

    and it never fails us. Its called self marketing if you really must know.

  • Gayle

    well, it's time they talk 'quietly, hushed,,secretly,' finally,,about their 'end time' talking, as they are embarrassing themselves to death by now.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Ya'll remember all the shyt they used to say would have to happen BEFORE the big A?

    You had:

    the great tribulation

    the fall of babylon the great

    king of north and south waring/pushing

    peace and security

    and of course the preaching work had to be accomplished in ALL the earth so that when these things took place the world could KNOW the people who's god was making shyt happen. Now all we need is a whisper and than the end will come!


  • Leolaia

    In a talk delivered on 10 June 1945 (a month after V-E Day), Nathan H. Knorr urged: "There is no longer any time to wait, for the Kingdom of God is here! ... It is a day of decision, and its precious hours of opportunity are remorselessly ticking out. The zero hour for the final war of Amageddon is undelayably coming on" (The Commander to the Peoples, 1945, pp. 21-23). He continued by pointing to the United Nations plan drawn up in the Dumbarton Oaks Conference in 1944 and the 1945 San Francisco Conference as "the final total lineup of this old world against Jehovah's universal domination ... It is the time for the battle of Armageddon" (pp. 26-28).

    chickpea....I'm the one who made the graphic. I based it off a similar collage that William E. Van Amburgh (secretary/treasurer of the WTB&TS) made re the "Millions" lectures advertising the 1925 date. I found the Van Amburgh collage by writing to his alma mater and there was a copy in his alumni materials.

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