According to the Bible, King Solomon was blessed by Jehovah with riches, wisdom and women---lots of them!
If Jehovah Wanted Only "One Flesh" For "Mates" Why Did He Sanction The Having Of Man Wives & Concubines?
by minimus 33 Replies latest jw friends
Solomon's endearing words to his wives... 'Next'
That's a great question min. I think a very good question to ask a JW.
(lol design)
No Room For George
Does it actually say anywhere in the Bible that God sanctioned such, particularly in Solomon's case? I seem to recall Jehovah blessing Solomon with more than what he actually asked God for. He only asked him for wisdom and knowledge right, and Jehovah reading his heart gave him not only that, but also riches, honor, and posessions. Solomon took it upon himself to get involved with big pimpin which at the end of the day was the very thing caused him to be spoken of poorly in the account as his getting involved with those women is what led him to disregard God's command to not get involved with foreign God's after the Temple dedication.
Just remember you can have more than one wife if you dont want to be an elder.....1 Timothy 3:1,2 1 That statement is faithful. If any man is reaching out for an office of overseer, he is desirous of a fine work. 2 The overseer should therefore be irreprehensible, a husband of one wife, moderate in habits, sound in mind, orderly, hospitable, qualified to if yo are a husband of 2 wives you cant be an elder but you can have a legal 3 some lol
God blessed the faithful men of old, abraham, Issac, Jacob and yet they had multiple wives....(doesn't make sense)....Either God would punish or he would bless.
No Room For George
LOL Diest. After all the advice given to me throughout the years by married men after they'd find out I'm single, I'm thinking maybe its better not to have any wife at all. Everyone of them says the same thing, "don't get married, Miz. Whatever you do, don't get married." Today at work, I asked a new coworker what he was doing this weekend. He told me he was taking his daughter to some play or something, and then he asked if I was married and had any kids. I replied no to both, and then he said, "No wonder you're always smiling!" I can't telll how many dudes call themselves giving me advice by telling me to not get married or have kids. That being said, if I do get married, one appears to be enough. Solomon was probably stressed as ever trying to appease all those women and dealing with their emotions.
No Room For George
What does the Mosaic law say on multiple wives, is there a commandment against it? If not, then it was all good until Paul spoke against it.
Le' Miz erables ?
It was only Old Testament kings who were indulged multiple women. Maybe something to do with being able to afford the upkeep of the wimmin and the offspring.
No problem today for men to indulge their lust, we have the Great Society.