God runs e Harmony...
If Jehovah Wanted Only "One Flesh" For "Mates" Why Did He Sanction The Having Of Man Wives & Concubines?
by minimus 33 Replies latest jw friends
Joey Jo-Jo
Apparently the torah and most of the books from the old testament were addressed to the Jewish community ONLY, not for the gentiles at all.
The NT completly disregards this fact, starting from the oldest book of the NT Mark gentiles were not bound by the laws of the torah like circumcision.
Eventually the newer the NT texts the more anti-jew they become, Paul calling them the sons of the devil yet in Mark 15:2 Jesus said to Pilate that he was king of the Jews.
To this day christians continue to speak of the OT and new covenant and jesus being a christian speaking aramaic while the facts show Jesus not to be the messiah of the OT, OT was not an open letter to gentiles and Jesus was a jewish speaking hebrew.
Marcion was right all along, the god of the NT is not the god of the OT.
Jo Jo- ssshh you'll upset the Believers...
Band on the Run
My anthropology prof studied polygamous cultures in the field. He said they are very messy emotion wise but mostly about trade relationships. Only a few wealthy can afford polygamy.
I am curious as to what 1st century Jewish thought was relating to one wife only. Was it radical news from Jesus or was there a rabbinical movement to only have one wife?
Concubines bother me the most. Sexual slavery endorsed by God. It seems this was wrong in the days of David and Solomon. Jesus' not upsetting slavery is bothersome to me. Paul, also. If they were slaves themselves, they might have a different view.
What kind of manly man needs concubines?
Hugh Hefner wanted a wife and to keep his girlfriends, wife to be said No.
So God institutes laws to regulate the sin in his holy nation. He tolerates the law breakers for CENTURIES but strikes a man dead for simply touching the ark of the covenant in order for it not to fall.
I'm tellin ya...maybe god created bi-polar/schziphrenia and tried it himself.
White Dove
LOL Dagney!
Band on the Run
God blessed men, I don't recall the women being blessed by a lecherous husband. Does anyone know about plural marriage in Jesus' days? Are we so much better today with serial marriage rather than polygamy.
My fantasy has always been to be an old-fashioned princess with a handsome prince in waiting to become king. I always heard about Chinese bound feet and found it strange. Feets as sexual objects. Bizarre. I never saw any bound feet. The museum had a visiting exhibit of Chinese costumes. Hardly, any men are ever present in the fashion wing. Usually, they kill time separtely. As I went through, there was this mass of women around one case, very upset. So I finally saw shoes for bound feet. Nothing prepared me for my reaction. They were not toddler size but much, much smaller. These women could not run. Suddenly, I was glad my forebears were prob. peasants.
Polygamy would not bother me as much if women could accumulate mutal husbands. A few societies do but most don't.
Jesus referred to it as a new rule. Was he saying that his being on earth changed the relationship between the sexes somehow? Was he just making an observation about properly caring for a wife? I wonder if something shocking had just happened. I'm curious as to how others read it.
If you look back to the books of Moses, it is written that God had predicted that the people would clamor for a king and that this would do less-desireable things like take so many wives. So I don't see how it can be said that it was sanctioned.
There is a LOT of questionable conduct in the Old Testament by the "good guys" such as drunkeness, lying, sleeping with temple prostitutes, idol worship, murder, etc. Got to be careful making it out as "God sanctioned" just because it was reported.