This has probably been addressed, but I'm in a rush and wanted to get this out ASAP while it's fresh and before I have to run off again. And I don't have the KM with me to note the exact instructions and passages discussed, anyway...
Last week in the Service Meeting, there was an unusual part that I wish I would have been prepared for. The only material was to read a couple passages from Luke and discuss how they affect our attitude toward our ministry. Of course, they were Jesus telling everyone to leave family, friends, and property in order to follow him. It sounds of course like the usual beat the sheeples to do more, give more, and hate your family. Here's a few things that I brought up in my anti-witnessing but not necessarily in this order:
1) Indeed Jesus had nowhere to lay his head and his ministry was all about his giving to the people. But guess what? The GB certainly have a place to lay their heads. The CO has a place to lay his head. These guys get the best accommodations, travel extensively, and believe me, they're "takers", not "givers". Of course, I can speak from experience to say that I wouldn't buy a used car from any one of them. They are certainly nothing like Jesus in their leadership.
2) And let's be very honest. We've read the accounts of Jesus: He could heal any illness. He could pull food out of a magic basket to feed me and thousands of others with leftovers. If you're fishing, he could overfill your nets. Need cash? Pull money out of a fish's mouth. HE COULD RAISE THE DEAD!... and dozens of other super-spectacular miracles that the GB couldn't do. And I can tell you this. If a man came along today that could 100% cure the sick, raise the dead, calm storms and other natural disasters, etc., I'D DROP EVERYTHING AND FOLLOW HIM TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH! But that isn't what's happening today. The GB can't even cure male-pattern baldness. Why would I drop anything in order to peddle their litteratrash?
3) Context. Just before the first passage in Luke that was discussed is the account where the disciples encountered another stranger that was expelling demons in Jesus' name. The disciples asked Jesus if they should stop him. But Jesus said to the effect that anyone that isn't against us is for us. The Watchtower explanation to that text is that to be "approved" everyone must be part of "the organization". What Jesus said was nullified later when the Christian congregation was established. Technically, since this SM passage follows closely, the context should be the same. When Jesus said to leave everything and follow him, this would no longer apply when he was gone from the earth.
4) More context on the same line. Remember in Luke 10:4 (I think) where Jesus had said that his disciples didn't need purse or food pouch in their ministry? Well, they didn't, as long as they could enjoy Jewish hospitality and Jesus was their to also care for them. Later in Luke 22:35,36, Jesus told them that they now would need not only a purse and food pouch, but also a sword? Why the change? Because Jesus knew that Christians wouldn't be able to enjoy a "free ride" anymore, and he wouldn't be around in person to support them.
In conclusion, Watchtower stands condemned for their self-righteous "We never claimed to be a prophet... but you'd better treat us like one!" attitude. They aren't Jesus and don't deserve the obedience that a true prophet would EARN.
Watchtower Corporation is a cult. The GB and their "spiritual paradise" is a fraud.