Before I begin, I want you to know I understand the difference between chemtrails and contrails, so lets leave those discussions behind, Chemtrails exist.
What is the purpose of Chemtrails ? If it was to artificially create clouds, why come to Edinburgh ? for any of you who are unaware, 90% of the time its cloudy and rainy, so creating cloud cover, is a joke
The only purpose for the Criss crossing chemical spraying, is as a delivery system.Delivering what ? and for what purpose ?
I have watched all day Tuesday 12 July here in Edinburgh, the city being Criss Crossed and sprayed. We have two flight paths used by the local airport,depending on the prevailing wind,neither of which were used, so the aircraft doing the spraying,are flying and spraying on flightpaths that I have rarely seen used.
like I said, I have seen these spraying events, with My own eyes, I only became aware of this spraying about 6 months ago, Its alarming, and when even pointed out,people shrug, and say, So what, I cant believe the Apathy, WTF is going on ? What are we being sprayed with ?
Should I get an NBC suit, some fullers earth, and a respirator ? I feel like we are all under attack, and are sleepwalking into it, worrying that isnt more of an issue !!!