PP: you to!. if you want to believe this chemtrail cover story and ignore the motherships, you are free to do so.
Chemtrails, Seeing is believing.
by pedal power 482 Replies latest social current
Before I begin, I want you to know I understand the difference between chemtrails and contrails, so lets leave those discussions behind, Chemtrails exist.
Well that's great, but here's my dilemma: Everyone else on the planet is pretty much incapable of detecting chemicals in the sky miles above them.
So even if YOU are personally capable of differentiating between wator vapor and mysterious chemicals by sight alone, most people don't have this ability and so I'm afraid I can't just take your word for it and pretend it's not possible you are simply mistaken.
Should I get an NBC suit, some fullers earth, and a respirator ?
I see no downside to this plan.
And the best part is, when people see you walking down the street dressed like Boba Fett then THEY will start to think there is some kind of consipiracy going on.
I am not coming up with conspiracy theories, nor am I trying to debate the issue. I am just making an observation to something I have witnessed on almost daily basis in the area where I live.
@Bohn,Lore,BTS- Speaking of issues, it is not my fault that sometime in your life people didn't listen to what you had to say causing you to become cynical rather than observant persons leaving you bitter, angry, and obstinate.
I got better things to do than argue about something I have see with my own eyes and have it photographed as well. Laters!
J. Hofer
that's not chemtrails, that's the sign of the lord's second comming... everybody knows that!
ya there's even a little black baby in the clouds
It's true. I used to spray cyanide all over Europe. I was employed by the CIA.
I can't post here anymore because I said it - please don't tell anyone.
Goodbye everybody.
Do they make you use your Credit Card more....
pedal power
Well guys {some of you } reacted true to form, detract from reality by making cheap petty remarks, Nothing wrong with that, if they make me laugh!. However That does not explain the chemical spraying, so as much as I appreciate humour { SD-7 s work here on jwn } I realise my observations of whats happening in the sky,s where I live has not provoked a more serious discussion.
Ah well, you can,t win them all !!
still thinking
Even when the government comes out and admits that they have been spraying chemicals on human populations people don't want to hear it. Denial makes it go away.
We had our local government openly spray the population in Auckland because of the apperance of the painted apple moth. They continued spraying the population for months and months every few weeks. They advised teachers to keep children indoors while spraying and for people who have health problems to also stay indoors. My home was a km or so outside the spray zone but it still effected us drastically.
Numerous reports were made about health problems caused by the spraying...protests were organised. Aucklanders were not happy about being sprayed with chemicals....the local government DID NOT CARE. Insect populations disappered for years after the spraying. I didn't see a bee for the longest time. Flys weren't a problem for at least 2 years. Butterflies and other insects just vanished....but the painted apple moth just kept spreading. As far as I know the spraying was ineffective. But for some reason we no longer hear about the painted apple moth being a problem any more. The problem that was soooo bad our local govt. had no other option but to endanger our lives with aerial spraying just vanished over night.
Many Aucklanders ask themselves "what was the point of the spraying?"...."what were they really doing to us?"...they certainly didn't care a jot for our health.
If our local government is capable of doing something like this openly and getting away with it...you have to ask the question...what the hell do they do behind our backs?
There has been spraying in the US and the government has even admitted it. This was in the 1950s when they did a whole lot of other insane crazy stuff. I don't believe this is still being done in 2011 though. There is no evidence.