WE DON'T KNOW .... let's not be so arrogant and just plain NAIVE to believe that they are not dispersing, to use an expression, 'g*d knows what' into the atmosphere for experimental purposes.
I fully agree. we dont know. The militaries in the various governments are no doubt making experiments of various kinds to determine (for instance) how to deploy biological agents of various kinds. The experiments may even be carried out in a way which is unethical, especially in countries which has a history of less accountability (eg. military dictatorships).
But on the scale of plausability, there is quite a large jump to go from localized experiments carried out by individual governments and involving relatively few planes, to a global conspiracy where governments are trying to do something completely different, ie. exterminate their own populations. And for what end? Imagine the risk these people are running, and for what benefit?
I question when i am being told -without proof- such a conspiracy exist. I am saying: we dont know. and indeed we do not, no evidence has been presented. PSON could just as well speculate i was planning to kill my neighbour or something, the evidence is equally nonexisting.
And on a harsher note ,,,, DO YOU REALLY TRUST THE GOVERNMENT????? (and scientists who only care about their latest papers being published?) AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
I dont see it as a matter of trust, i see it as a matter of evidence. I can turn it back: Is my or your DISTRUST in the government EVIDENCE they are carying out an experiment? I think not, because in that case i could use my distrust as evidence for any conspiracy, and i would ultimately miss the one conspiracy which was actually true. In other words, i reserve my right to question any argument i am being presented with instead of buying it at face value. When i determine flaws in the argument, i refuse to be bullied into silence by being told i am simple "trusting the government".
and scientists who only care about their latest papers being published?
I quite recent that remark. I send you a PM.