bohm, please go back to your playstation and comics, your polluting this thread with your teenage angst, your name calling and silly cartoons , this is stuff of the playground at school.
I started this thread with the hope of generating a debate, Adult debate, without having to be constantly sidelined by your idiocy, there is a place for your comments, the drunken thread I think should suffice, now run along before I put you on the naughty step.
Its taking so long to get to meat of the matter, I dont mind disagreement, disagreement is good, I was hoping for a Q and A session, with contributions from all sides, its good to see our resident vulcan here, {doths hat to sizemick } and all others.
Yes even sizemike aknowledges the phenomonon of Chemtrails and poses some good questions, but I dont have the bloody answers, if I did I would,nt have asked for help, but they exist, the population, perhaps inadvertantly, is being exposed to areosol contaminents, and I have,nt got a clue why.
If you doubt me or others here that have made contributions here as to the validity of Chemtrails, google it, observe your sky,s, learn the science, watch it with your own eyes,{this is,nt like believing in an invisible diety, observe it for yourselves } Then when people tell you its not happening, when you can see the jets, spray, turn off the areosol, turn around, start sraying again, and see the artificial cloud formations develop, then perhaps you will have some understanding of the level of frustration, some of us feel over this issue, because others dismiss our credibility, and observations, out of hand, It does not make our observations invalid.
For me,this thread, is like debating 607bce V,s 587bce with a Witness, Those that are informed,That have undertaken research, will conclude 587bce, those that havn,t done the research, will stick with 607bce, and if 607 makes you happy, and chemtrails dont exist, who am I to prove otherwise.