Why is reform a waste of time? The most important reason is:
a profound lack of supportive infrastructure together with tearing down what little structure exists
Look, a religion can have all sorts of absurd beliefs and still endure with no problem. The Mormons seem to actually enjoy a sort of perverse challenge to believe laughable doctrines and Catholics have Jesus turning into crackers.
The key thing is supportive structure. The Catholics build hospitals, they have Universities, charities - Mormons have temples, BYU, an internal welfare system and so on. The Watchtower is run in a grasping, cheap-ass, penny-pinching manner and hates anything to do with organized charity - no Sunday Schools - and the MTS/Gilead arrangement has been so pathetically unsupported by real effort, it's amazing anything gets done.
I'm sure there are plenty of outwardly religious people who really don't believe in anything but still affiliate with big religions because of the structures those organizations have created. Meanwhile, the unimaginative skinflint jerks who run this cult are selling off Kingdom Halls, cutting magazines and literature and laying off Bethelites.
A second reason, related to the above is lack of any developed theology or depth of thinking supporting the organization. The latest brochure is shocking stupid and seems geared to the mentally challenged. How can you run a worldwide cult with uneducated semi-literates in charge? Eventually, the effects of this braindrain become evident - and serious, as costly mistakes are made. There is only so much simplification that can be handled. Contrast this with the education and skill enjoyed at mainstream religions and you can see how Watchtower trends are deadly to their future.