Thanks Aguest, always enjoy reading your posts, I find this all rather fascinating, I read a lot of things in the first five books that didn't sound right
1. polytheism.
2. Drinking gold (used in alchemy) meaning Moses most likely learned the secret arts of pharaoh.
3. Joseph (in GENESIS) was a dream interpreter and god was fine with this.
After realising that Moses was egyptian royalty (and Ezra) certain aspects of the story started to make sense.
here is another take on all this, egyptians have the first account records on using witchcraft, till this day freemasons continue to use some of these arts, there is a historic account in italy that one of the catholic pops summoned a deity to remove another deity from a possesed person. there were many countries that were influenced by egypt and ruled it.
But why later in the books it becomes more monotheist and anti-occultism?