There are 3 sets of the Ten Words.
Exodus 34
Deuteronomy 5
Exodus 20
Exodus 34 is different then the other tow and Exodus 20 is almost the same as Dt 5. (With one major change)
Exodus 34 likely dates before the exile. Dt 5 dates likely during the exile (It must be noted that Dt. 12-126 is a law code written during Josiah's time and added to after)
Exodus 20 either dates during the exile or more likely was written in the time of Jeshua and Zerrubabel right after using Dt 5 as a guide.
Will they be found. It's possible in the case of Exodus 34.
Numbers 6 has a priestly blessing that has be found dated to around 600BCE. (Roughly in the time Jeremiah was preaching.)