Sizemik - that letter made me laugh out loud.
I saw Meatloaf about 20 years ago when I was still in and will a load of other JW's. It was a fantastic gig. Really enjoyed it. My mum, elders wife of 30 something years loves him.
by highdose 23 Replies latest jw friends
Sizemik - that letter made me laugh out loud.
I saw Meatloaf about 20 years ago when I was still in and will a load of other JW's. It was a fantastic gig. Really enjoyed it. My mum, elders wife of 30 something years loves him.
Yes, a friend of mine knew I wasn't allowed to have it, so she made a special album cover for it (like those fabric/quilted photo album covers) and gave it to me for my 16th birthday.
It sucked, because I could only listen to it playing very quietly or when my parents weren't home. When it was discovered on one of my mom's recon missions in my room, they made me return it, and after that my friend never spoke to me again.
I lose respect for hard core rockers who do Celebrity Apprentice. Give me a break! Jump on your music and burn it. So Commercial. When Bob Dylan does Cadillac commercials, it is more parody and comical. They can earn money but earn it with grace.
Meatloaf was more of a well liked novelty act in the States, IMO. His videos were so well produced. The drama was revved up to an art form. They are a long way from A Hard Day's Night.
The more they would condemn music, I would be fueled to purchase it. I literally fought for my life to hear the Beatles. When the WHO had an allbum out, opposed to singles, I used to visit it in the music store. I could not take the Pop Art home to my family. Every week I would visit the album and resolve to find some courage. Tommy had acceptable art. I was a bit distressed with the Stones' Sticky Fingers with the fly zippere that actually worked. My mom teased me but it also could have been confiscated. When I turned 18 and was at college, it was so empowering to openly bring albums home.
I believe Bethelites must secretly listen to this music on the sly. Maybe they even trade albums. The JW music was always atrocious. When the greensih book was withdrawn for a magenta book to exclude Handel and Beethoven (pronounced Beet-hoven). The brothers had never heard of either one, it was sad. Later, I smashed the recordings to smithereens. I listened to some JW music recently on wikipedia and could not believe how awful it was. A kindergarten piano class could write better.
I'm Episcopalian. The hymnal is wondrous. They recognized, though, that they were too staid so now we have a supplement of African-American slave worship songs. Soaring music is possible with easily accessible music. Meatloaf is so funny contrasted with Witness teachings. And as racy as the song is, Meatloaf did not grab his crotch defiantly and hold it for a long time.
I am a Meatloaf fan going back to JW days. I like his music and he comes across as a very smart guy. He was great on Celebrity Apprentice.
Who knows whats a no no with the cult without an up to date scorecard. Even reading or dicussing some of their own literature is a no no.