Exactly Mad Sweeney and Sulla where you said
"How is a child victim supposed to report to authorities when the perpetrators are the parents? The very thought is asanine and insulting.
Borg policy sucks."
And Sulla where you said
"Failing to make clear that they are required to notify the authorities under any circumstances is a telling omission in their policy."
If the elders had call Child protective services on my parents when I was a kid it would have been huge. Even if CPS had not done anything just the fact that some adults cared about me would have met the world to me, it truly would have changed my life and how I now look at the world now that I am an adult.
I look at all of these elders who are not in the late 60's to late 80's who knew me as a kid and did nothing to help me if anything they made my parents worse by telling them what a great job they did in pulling me out of school, etc. I now look at all those men and I do not feel any sadness toward them watching them have their problems due to age, some of them are really suffering one had a stroke, anther cancer, and I think to myself "you are getting what you deserve. There is no new system for you to walk into like you told me all my childhood when you said not to go to school and pioneer instead, becacuse the end was so close. You are dying just like everyone else, all of your years that you allowed me to be in hell and who knows what other children also now you are suffering." I know that may not be right for me to think this way but why they did not step up for me as a child is mind boggling. Not only did they not step up but I now as an adult know that they allowed and even encouraged pedophiles to move into the congregations in my area. We have a prison where I live and it has a high number of sex offenders in this prison. The elders hold meetings there and when the sex offenders are released they are encouraged to move into the local halls and no members are told what these guys did.
Now there is a new crop of elders in their mid 40's to late 50's following in the steps of what there older brothers and dads did. If this overlapping generation dose not pan out for them then they will be in the same shape as their predecessors. Actually there are not many elders in their 40's left anymore most are in their 50's. Yonger men just do not seem to be buying into all of the garbage.
I truly hope this sick religion who harbors child rapist dies out.