Our body of elders had the regular meeting with the visiting CO. (His name was Barkley) We sat and listened to him tell us that in the coming Sunday's concluding comments from the platform he was going to make a point that anyone who was an 'irregular publisher' (meaning they either didn't report any field service or they came up short of the 10 hour per month "goal") could not honestly call themselves a "Jehovah's Witness".
As I listened I thought of several people who I knew who would be setting in the audience, especially a couple of sisters who had unbelieving mates and the constant sacrifice they made just to be at the meetings. This would be a crushing thing to say to these loyal JW's.It crossed my mind that these people would not hesitate to refuse a blood transfusion, etc.
I raised my hand and told him what I thought of his "you're not a JW" comment. He did not include this thought in his remarks that Sunday and I alerted a couple of elders in his next congregation and they also objected to his comments in advance.
I then composed my letter of resignation as an elder, naming the Barkley incident and sent it to Brooklyn with a CC to the local body. That was it. My brain had kicked in and I began to see the whole crummy "sales organization" aspect and many other things. I was mentally out in a few months and forced their hand to DF me as an apostate in less than two years. Fuck the WT Society dead in their ass..