yeah, great, lets give the sickos more ideas on how to torture a cat.
That looked like a vets office, posting that video is irresponsible.
Vets more then anyone know how some people love to torture cats, great way to give them tips
by metatron 31 Replies latest jw friends
yeah, great, lets give the sickos more ideas on how to torture a cat.
That looked like a vets office, posting that video is irresponsible.
Vets more then anyone know how some people love to torture cats, great way to give them tips
Sphere, Don't be an ignoramus. The reason the cat becomes passive is because grabbing the scruff, or nape, in that spot is the same thing mother cats do to them. It is a control point and they instinctively go limp. It is not painful.
Glander, I am not being an ignoramous.
I am not saying that the clip is torturing the cat, but it is a way of controling the cat.
What happens when assholes put that on a cat to see what heppens and then does not take it off?
That technique can be used to subdue a terrified cat to give it needed medical care or to torture it.
That's right. It's not hurting the cat.
But chopping it's genitals off while still awake, YES!
We had two college students expelled for shaving a kitten and painting it with liquid paper --- couldn't be put in jail, but they sure as hell lost their tuition and will have a hard time 'splaining that to their next 'university of choice' ... ggrrrrr
glander --- I'm glad you shared that your friends got tore up pretty good, and hope they had to have tetanus shots or better yet, DIDN'T get shots and developed cat scratch fever (oh yes, it's real, and painful, but curable) ,,, I hope poor Tom didn't have to 'pay' for defending himself.
Tal -Since you have twice referred to the cat in the boot guys as "my friends" I want to make clear that my opinion of what they did is that it was stupid and if they had carried it through it would have been cruel.
I love cats. I have set up a heated cat kennel in the carport for a cat that is not ours. We keep her in fresh flea collars, Friskies Indoor Delights kibble and fresh water which I take out to her every morning after I get our coffee brewing.
Sticking a tom in a boot to castrate him was a common practice in the past. So were all sort of castration without medication.
In my childhood I assisted in the castration of dogs, cats and a couple of horses all without any medications. It was awful
Most people, at least in developed countries, have more respect for animals now. But cats are still a common target of all kinds of abuse.
Glander --- I figured you were kinda pleased they got tore up,,,, sorry to give any implication that you were approving of their actions.
Edit: Yes, they are 'guys you knew' which is quite different from best buds that you hang out with.
I am not responsible for what my wife will say on this subject. You are treading on thin ice. May god have mercy on your soul. Totally ADD
Is there something like that for Children too?