Did you fake underlining the WT?

by shepherd 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • unshackled

    Yep, I was an illusionist. Sure the answers were easy to find but why bother reading it?

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    My ex would go nuts on her Watchtower ....

    little notes...other scriptures...ect...

    I can say 90% of the time Charlie's Watchtower not underlined......

    But by the end of the meeting Every Single letter O was colored in with Pen....

    Including the number 0.....

    The other 10% of the time..

    I used a different color high-lite pen for each Answer....

    just to Jazz up the Article.....


    Meeting almost over ...Finally .... then the Elder would ask...

    Does anyone have anything else to add?

    Deep inside I would Cuss and Swear at those Brown Noses who after an HOUR Feel the Need To Share!!!!!!

  • AnnOMaly

    Not fake, but real underlining - mostly from my mid-teens to about early-thirties - and scribbling something scripturally relevant in the margins. Hate highlighters, though. Latterly, any marking was underlining key flawed notions, scribbling "ahh but you omitted this ..." and absent-minded doodlings in the margins.

  • barefootmarley

    i used to study the wt and all the other syudy aides with enthusiasm. i underlined, made marginal notes, and even found related scriptures that were not mentioned. i thought i was being a "good " jw.

    as time wore on, and my faith and intrests wainned in "the truth", i started the quick study. read the question, find the answer.

    eventually that stopped also. my wt remained unmarked. a lot of the time unread.

    interestingly, i am a fan of nonfiction, and when i find a good passage or point i wish to remember, i mark it. a hold over from my younger days i reckon.

  • partydelights

    I don't underline WT. (In fact, I don't underline any material I read.)

    As many has commented, WT is just too easy. Always ends in three things: Personal study, Meeting Attendance and Field Service.

    So, to "show off", just make sure the answers eventually lead to those points will do. Otherwise, comment on the scriptures. (I have a Bible that I'm very familiar with and flipping scriptures takes about 10 seconds each.) Just read the sacripture, then apply to the paragraph. And you know the paragraph ALWAYS repeats old stuffs. So with WT for close to 20 years (since the days of being a BS), there's indeed nothing new under the WT "sun".

  • agent zero
    agent zero

    yeah i did that from time to time. depends on which stage of my JW mentality i'm answering about. when i was the most in, i guess it was about, say.. 20% of the time underlined for real (correct part of the paragraph underlined, but never did any extra note writing), 20% of the time underlined for real until around halfway thru (either by running out of time or getting too bored with it), 10% of the time fake underlining (done when i had the intention of "studying" it but ran out of time, but still wanted to have the studied look), and 50% of the time just not done.

    that was during the time i most believed studying it was the right thing to do. i think i always subconsiously felt that underlining words that match the question at the bottom of the page and calling it "studying" was a joke, and a slight at my intelligence. but i was also very aware of the spirituality gauge it represented at the k-hall, and that acted as a bit of a motivating force.

  • agent zero
    agent zero
    Even worse, when I did 'comment' (out of pressure by my wife), people told me "I enjoyed your comment". What did you enjoy? I just restated a sentence. I literally actually felt stupid commenting at meetings.

    lol, this is so true!

  • Bella15

    Yeap ... LOL! Just ramdon lines to give the impression that I have studied it. These days I see how lying, judging/gossiping came so easily to me I learned from early childhood. I have changed so much ... I was such a bad person, co-worker, friend, before. I had a conversion, my heart, my mind, my thoughts, everything changed, and I didn't do it myself, I got help from the Holy Spirit. It was like if someone else was directing my thoughts, steps and everything ... hard to explain.

  • Magwitch

    I never underlined anything. My ex felt it was a form a vandalism to write in any book or magazine. He was the PO and never had a mark of any sort in his WT, even when he conducted.

  • undercover

    I hated commenting at meetings...but growing up I was expected to answer at least once per WT study. And then as an MS, you were expected to set an example by commenting as often as possible.

    It created anxiety when it got down to the last couple of paragraphs and I hadn't raised my hand yet. I knew I needed to comment, but the thought of it was repulsive.

    I thought I was just overly shy...but...I had no problem speaking up in class at school and then later company meetings and conferences. How was it I could be part of the discussion so easily in one setting but dread the thought of being part of another?

    Because my inner self was trying to tell me that something was wrong. I was in a cult and somehow, some part of me deep inside knew it, but couldn't reach out and slap me across the face to make my conscious self realize it.

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