I'm scared sometimes that the WTBTS might be right about everything.

by Chemical Emotions 83 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • discreetslave

    If you believe in God and trust the Bible is from him, then be assured they are WRONG!!!! The Bible condemns them

    (1 John 4:16,18-19) 16 God is love...18 There is no fear in love, but perfect love throws fear outside, because fear exercises a restraint. Indeed, he that is under fear has not been made perfect in love. 19 As for us, we love, because he first loved us.

    These words were always ringing in my ears. That is a religion based on fear. They say they have the good kind but that's crap. They're constantly being afraid of the end, afraid of what's in the world, afraid not to turn in their time, etc... That is not the life of a Christian. Jesus was refreshing. He was simple, kind, and full of love for all. The only time he lost his cool was when dealing with the religious leaders. They disgusted him as the Watchtower would disgust him today. The way the religion is run goes in complete contrast to the nature of the Christ.

    If you no longer believe in God or doubt his existence then they can't be right. No matter which eyes you look thru those of faith or those of logic or skepticism they are WRONG!!!

  • transhuman68

    LOL. The GB in Brooklyn are just a bunch of careless irresponsible old men. They will say anything to keep their time-expired religion going. Research anything: 1925, 1975, pyramids, etc. It's all foolishness.

    The Witnesses only seem to have some truths because they are in the lunatic fringe of Christianity; and they use the Bible: It is all a house of cards though- everything crumbles into dust with enough research.

  • InterestedOne

    Chemical Emotions - I'll type out some excerpts from the section about phobia indoctrination in Steve Hassan's first book that helped me and that I think are relevant to your post. I don't know much about copyright, but I assume it's ok to type excerpts with reference to title, author & page #'s.

    Do you know anyone who has ever had a phobia? Yourself, perhaps? The most common phobias include fears of flying in airplanes, public speaking, taking elevators, driving in tunnels or over bridges, and certain animals like snakes, spiders, and even dogs.

    Basically, phobias are an intense fear reaction to someone or something. . . .

    What do phobias have to do with cult groups and mind control? In some cults, members are systematically made to be phobic about ever leaving the group. Today's cults know how to effectively implant vivid negative images deep within members' unconscious minds, making it impossible for the member to even conceive of ever being happy and successful outside of the group. . . .

    The unconscious mind is made to contain a substantial image-bank of all the bad things that will occur if anyone should ever betray the group. . . .

    Of course, these thoughts are irrational and nonsensical. However, keep in mind that most phobias are irrational. Most planes don't crash, most elevators don't get stuck, and most dogs aren't rabid. . . .

    - from Combatting Cult Mind Control by Steven Hassan pp 43-44.

    And here are some excerpts from a later section on undoing it:

    I helped Phil to begin to unlock the phobia indoctrination by asking him to visualize a picture of the future that he would really enjoy. . . .

    In other cases, I often ask the member, "If you had never met this group, and you were doing exactly what you wanted to be doing, what would that be?" . . .

    By taking this step, I am able to begin neutralizing the cult member's programmed negative feelings about doing anything other than being a member. Once a positive personal reference point is established, the cult-generated picture of a dark, disaster-filled life outside the group begins to be altered. When a positive picture is in place, a bridge to other possibilities opens.

    - from Combatting Cult Mind Control by Steven Hassan pp 165-166.

  • designs

    Interestedone- Nice quotes. We've all had to confront those religious phobias but once free its a whole new life.

  • MrDarkKnight

    Godrulz - In my 38 years of door to door work I have spent thousands of hours talking to Catholics, Lutherans, Methodists, Baptists, Pentecostals, Mormons, Presbyterians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and other organized religions. If I distill their messages down they are saying basically the same thing:

    1. We are right.

    2. You are not.

    3. This life is temporary.

    4. The death of self or others is the gateway to eternal happiness.

    5. We can't prove any of this because it is beyond our mental capacity to understand, so just believe it and you will live forever on earth, in heaven, in nirvana, with 70 virgins, etc and so on.

    I simply cannot accept organized religion anymore without demonstrable evidence. If the God of the Bible or Koran or any other so-called holy book exists, and he is love, then there must be evidence that the rational mind kind accept, not faith based on emotion or feelings.

  • TotallyADD

    Let me go another direction with this. What you may have experience is a very mild form of PTSD. This is a reaction by your body over the emotional stress you went through in this high control cult. It is very common for many of us. Those who went through major abuse in this cult like myself may be going through major PTSD. I would say not knowing your back ground if this keeps happening I would seek professional help. It is always good to talk to somebody about these things. Hopefully this will all pass in time with a little research on your part. Take care. Totally ADD

  • Honesty

    Do you want to live in a world dominated by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses where any doubts or questions will be met with stones, big ones at that and all aimed at the questioner?

    Armageddon doesn't sound too bad now, does it?

    BTW, the Watchtower has it all wrong about armageddon.

    Do some research on armageddon and you will understand the armageddon fairy tale spun by the Watchtower.

  • Vanderhoven7

    Chemical Emotions,

    Jesus said that the truth will set you free. When has the WTS ever been right about any future event? There is no need to fear anything they have to say....ever.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I had those same fears till I read Crisis of Conscience by Franz and Stven Hassens books! After that I would have nightmaires of going to the KH and everyone ignoring me and me hiding under the chairs... But 100% know they are just wrong!

    This too will pass


  • Joliette

    I still feel a sense of fear also.

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