Oh my goodness! Thanks Randy for posting this. It's a real eye-opener! I can't believe you guys were subjected to this - you deserve some sort of metal for putting up with that crap! It's so boring! And, I thought VERY unprofessional. Your site FREEMINDS is going to help a lot of JWs see their way out the door of this cult!
Could you eat breakfast after watching this at Bethel?
by Dogpatch 70 Replies latest jw friends
wow, cult classic, that's interesting that your table group was mostly so much fun. I was for a long time with a career Bethel head, his wife, no fun either, always serious and took herself extremely serious, the table foot fella in love with Bethel, and 6 young boys, who hardly ever talked, very rarely smiled, slept through morning worship (no blame there for sure), always tired and now I know actually depressed.
'undercooked scrambled eggs' and Knorr ranting, can we pass a hat and take up a collection for counseling
cult classic
Gayle, yeah my husband and the guys at our table were complete nuts. It was definitely not the norm.
If your table assignment isn't a good fit of personalities, it gets the day off to a horrible start. The table head (should that be capitalized? lol) can really make Bethel a nightmare if he wants to. And if he's a pansy and his wife doesn't like you? Look out!
Ill wind blowing
You disappointed me, Dogpatch. I thought I was going to be seeing a tirade or some Bethelite getting flogged. Besides, I don't like eating cold food.
I couldn't get the video to come up. Jehovah must be blocking it or sumpthin.
darth frosty
I remember morning worship prayers and how some brothers wsould use this to impress others.
1 time this brother gave a fukcing prayer and started in the garden of eden and walked it up to present day.
I was hoping they would take the mike from him and beat the shit outta him with it.
After he was done with his speech a tablemate said dryly Geez I hope jehovah learned something from that.
cult classic makes a good point. Each table was unique. On average, I would swtich tables every six to nine months. (You could do this by simply writing to the Bethel Office/Home Office and ask for a change. You really didn't have to state a reason.) When I was at William Malenfant's table, it was pretty nice. I also enjoyed Izaak Maraih's table. (sp) Others, not so much.
I think I would have found a way of skipping morning breakfast in less than a week's time of being there. I couldn't stomach the thought of having to sit through such monotonous drivel every freaking day.
Girlie: Once I had past the five-year mark (which gives you a little more wiggle room), I would miss at least two days per week. I would casually stroll down to 'Cranberries' and get an excellent bagle and coffee.