What was the JW breaking point 4 U?

by ashitaka 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc

    For me, it was reading books by Russell and Rutherford. The religion in the early days had no resemblance to what I was taught. The most amazing to me was Russell's Pyramid theory.

    To me, the fact that some JWs fucked up really didn't bother me that much. After all, Adam, Noah, Abraham, Lot, King David, David's son all messed up big time. So, a little sin in the modern era was no big deal to me.

    The intellectual factor was more important to me than the human factor. As I said, I could accept the human failings, but I could not accept the intellectual dishonesty and/or stupidity.

  • alamb

    The Last Straw:
    After obtaining a Protective Order from my elder husband and going to hall with my children for help yet again, being told to go home a be a good wife. I needed to go in service more and wasn't being a good elder's wife. Oh, and my favorite, "you have to watch what race you marry into, some are violent by nature."

    Thanks: OZZIEPOST for noticing. Women seem invisible unless something needs cleaning.

  • ozziepost

    G'day aLamb,

    Yes, some of us notice!

    BTW I do the cleaning in our house... just thought you'd like to know that there's some hope for exDubs!!! LOL


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    When I was vacationing in Florida,I called my girlfriend(Married) and she told me she had been disfellowshipped!She was sleeping around!No big news to me.I already knew it.She confided in me she had a problem.She couldn't say no!Now I knew this girl!She had severe mental problems!She had tried to OD on pills.When I called the overseers,they just told me to call her Dr.Nothing else!Never called back to see how she was!I called her Dr.He wouldn't return my call!(He prescribed the pills for her).So I was on my own keeping her awake.She finally came around.Her Husband came home and I left.A few weeks later her husband (A JW)came home and caught her with another guy.He beat the crap out of her!She came running to my house and I cleaned her up and called her husband.He was sorry and she ended up going back!Well he called the elders and they came running!(One of them was all of 21).They disfellowshipped her.She could never help herself.This girl had bad emotional problems.Instead of helping her to get help ,they threw her out![:C!]She was raised in a JW home.Her Mom took off when she was 3 and her JW dad remarried!Her stepmom(also a JW) beat her constantly!She made her do all the cooking and cleaning and help watch her stepsister,(who was the angel of the family).Her dad wouldn't protect her.She never saw her Mom again.After she married a sailor,she received a letter from her mom and pictures.Her mom was real sick and died right after that.Before they could meet each other.She ended up getting divorced and he got custody of the kids.He left the JW religion.So did she.Now I have heard she is going back!I can't believe she is doing that.But she really believes it is the"Truth".I guess because she was raised in it.Anyway,when I heard they had disfellowshipped her I though"they are the most cold and heartless people I have ever known".That girl really needed help.And in those days they did not recommend going to a counselor!And I wrote a letter of disassociation.Didn't take much to make me leave!Now I am learning all the reasons why I could never believe all that stuff they tried to shove down my throat!

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    When I was vacationing in Florida,I called my girlfriend(Married) and she told me she had been disfellowshipped!She was sleeping around!No big news to me.I already knew it.She confided in me she had a problem.She couldn't say no!Now I knew this girl!She had severe mental problems!She had tried to OD on pills.When I called the overseers,they just told me to call her Dr.Nothing else!Never called back to see how she was!I called her Dr.He wouldn't return my call!(He prescribed the pills for her).So I was on my own keeping her awake.She finally came around.Her Husband came home and I left.A few weeks later her husband (A JW)came home and caught her with another guy.He beat the crap out of her!She came running to my house and I cleaned her up and called her husband.He was sorry and she ended up going back!Well he called the elders and they came running!(One of them was all of 21).They disfellowshipped her.She could never help herself.This girl had bad emotional problems.Instead of helping her to get help ,they threw her out!She was raised in a JW home.Her Mom took off when she was 3 and her JW dad remarried!Her stepmom(also a JW) beat her constantly!She made her do all the cooking and cleaning and help watch her stepsister,(who was the angel of the family).Her dad wouldn't protect her.She never saw her Mom again.After she married a sailor,she received a letter from her mom and pictures.Her mom was real sick and died right after that.Before they could meet each other.She ended up getting divorced and he got custody of the kids.He left the JW religion.So did she.Now I have heard she is going back!I can't believe she is doing that.But she really believes it is the"Truth".I guess because she was raised in it.Anyway,when I heard they had disfellowshipped her I though"they are the most cold and heartless people I have ever known".That girl really needed help.And in those days they did not recommend going to a counselor!And I wrote a letter of disassociation.Didn't take much to make me leave!Now I am learning all the reasons why I could never believe all that stuff they tried to shove down my throat!

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Oh Brother!I tried to correct my error and it posted twice!Sorry! GG

  • ozziepost


    Seems to me that a breaking point or COC occurs and then all the doubts and fears which were put to the back of your mind, come flooding back and then you start to see the truth about the 'troof'.


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • Prisca

    Those who have left recently will remember that we studied the Greatest Man book for the thrid time during 99/00.

    I already had had a few doubts, based on the lack of love I'd observed in the congregations.

    However, the more I studied and got into the Greatest Man book, the greater the difference I could see between the actions/love of Jesus, and those of the modern-day Pharisees, the elders in the congregations.

    Looking more deeper into the Scriptures, I discovered that many of the WTS's doctrines were very loosely based on the Bible. Jesus' techings were about love and forgiveness of sins, treating each other as your neighbour, and having a faith in God, and not relying on works to gain favour with God.

    The final straw after all that was the 607 doctrine. 1914 was not a prophetic date, thus the FDS wasn't picked by God, thus the WTS wasn't the one true religion!

    Since then I have had no regrets in leaving. I have enjoyed a real peace of mind that I didn't have as a JW, and I am now enjoying a real faith and relationship with God.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    reading Rutherford Watchtowers.
    Seeing how he was doing, himself, exactly what he was accussing politicians, priests and scientists, of doing.
    If there was one article that finished it for me, it was the one where the WT laid down the requirements for preaching hours to be reached, and declared them as commands from God.
    "God says...50 hours a month" etc.
    That was the breaker, I knew they were False prophets in that moment.

  • zev

    first off, could you tell me where i can read about this nazi/watchtower thing?
    thats news to me, and as someone who has a jewish background, i'm always interested in such things. i was never jewish, but my great grandfather was, and my mother-in-law was.

    to answer your question, the begining of my investigation into my beliefs was the actual turning point, and the defining moment. everything else i found out just put more evidence in front of me. the whole time frame from discovery to leaving was a year approximately. my doubts were however with me for over a decade.

    the first discovery was pedophiles. the thing that nailed it, was finding out my sister was a victim.

    Learn about the Wtbts and the U.N.
    ** http://www.geocities.com/plowbitch69 **

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