What was the JW breaking point 4 U?

by ashitaka 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • LittleToe

    So many things, so little time.

    Basically, once I started examining it, everything flooded in - all the doubts and previous concerns.

    The beginning of the end was the 144,000 and 1935 thing, though, followed swiftly by other doctrines.
    It's a dangerous thing to read the bible in context, and pity the poor JW who cross-compares it with other translations and the Diaglott/KIT.

  • Klaus Vollmer
    Klaus Vollmer

    Zev, try to find out more of the 1933 declaration which was publsihed in the 1934 yearbook.
    they crept hitler into the ass, condemned the jews and went parallel with the vision of the German Reich.
    When you read it, you think you cant eat as much as much you are gonna to spit.
    The crown is that they made responsible for this thing the German branch office leader Balzereit, who was condemned , excommunicated by Rutherford personally.In the publications you find mentined that Balzereit would have modified the original texts from Rutherford, so he was spoekn guilty.
    After WW 2 Balzereit came back to Magdeburg branch office but was fired out and again condemned by KNorr.
    In a 1998 Awake about the holocaust, Balzereit is declared not guilty to this declaration. AT a time he was dead for more than 30 years, always condemned by JWs.
    Those Brooklyn Bastards have a lot on their conscience. They will get a long bill they have to pay.
    I guess you can find things about the situation in the 1974 yearbook (Germany) and on Kents observer page.
    If not, mail me, I have here copies of the original things.
    I am fed up with this kind of historyshaping policy of those who mean they are gods channel, yet only a channel of lies, shit and human shunning policy. Their judgement by god will be great

  • Englishman

    My breaking point was at first because of things that I wanted to do that were forbidden to JW's.

    I wanted to go to night-clubs.

    I wanted to smoke a cigar.

    I wanted to visit casino's.

    I wanted to go to parties.

    And, if my ex is reading this, then I am really sorry, but the thought that kept crossing my mind was: Is this the only person that I am ever going to have sex with?


    Truth exists;only falsehood has to be invented. -Georges Braque

  • ashitaka


    Here's a link to the text of the Declaration of Facts. Peruse at your leisure. How about that?

    I sent you a mail, but this is for lurkers. Take a look at what people are lying to you about.....



    I'm finding that the way women are treated is another reason so many of us left. I'm in agreement and experienced almost everything you guys mentioned.


  • Hugh Mann
    Hugh Mann

    The proud to be JW neighbours & their friends had little if any, sometimes nasty, consideration of others - yet remained proud of their clean clothes and speech.

    I knew there was something about them when I first saw them, but it turned out worse than I thought - they really have been stinking evil.

    At least we know about that religion.


  • JT

    the change in the generation dogma was the real beginning for me

    at that point i knew that my hope of never getting old and dying was taken away then followed up by the separting of the sheep and goat and the change on alternative service and college

    life issues that many of us built our entire lives on where snatched right out from under our feet and we were told to go sit down and not complain about your hope being dashed to pcs-

    at that point i made a decision that by 2000 i would be out i told my wife she could come or stay in the org, but i was out
    and the net provided the tools to learn what i know now

    i order ray's books read both in 10day and cried for10 days more
    at that point i knew how the System worked being a "Society Man" at the time

    so i made plans to make my get away from the org my wife and i decided to drift and now we are coming up on 4 yrs- i'm glad that we drifted for it gave us time to regroup and put in place new friends, new life style, new careers ,educations, etc-

    so now at this point in our lives we could care less what anyone in our former life does or says about us

    i refuse to DA myself for the simple reason that the ENTIRE CONCEPT OF DA is a wt concept- i no longer acknowledge any concepts that they set forth

    i would not waste the stamp , paper or time to send a letter to MO LARRY AND CURLY aka Service committe.

    FOR THOSe WHO just feel they need to do so in order to be free- that is fine

    to me it is the same as no longer shopping at Kmart or Walmart

    i no longer buy any of the WT goods- and just as with Kmart or Walmart i would not write a letter to the local store and their corp office to say that i will no longer be buying thier goods

    i simply don't go there-

  • Mr Bean
    Mr Bean

    When I've read in OKM about not getting on the net because porn and most importantly, those nasty apostates were there, immediately I’ve organized internet connection for myself and the very first word I've typed on search engine was: Jehovah. And guess whom I have found? Watchtower Observer! :)

    First time I had a chance to see other side of the coin. It was a major shock for me. After reading that WTS was preparing new light about generation I've was doobed in. Some nice brudda dobbed me that I was telling 'strange' things.

    One important meeting with 'local elders' [love that term!] and they asked me (As XJW have predicted) if I still believe that WTS is Shmoly Shpirit directed crap. I said: yes. That was a lie but... few day later that nice brudda dobbed me again and I had a hint that elder would like to talk with me again. Than I knew what was going too happened. I wrote immediately DA letter and... that was a tremendous relief.

    Thanks to all faithful and discrete slaves of truth on the net like Kent, Randy, Jim, and Raymond [for his wonderful books] and many others.

    Thanks guys and... keep up good work!

  • ashitaka

    they asked me (As XJW have predicted) if I still believe that WTS is Shmoly Shpirit directed crap."

    Hey beanie,

    Happened to me, too, but informally so. Someone put my former best friend up to it. Really opened my eyes to the org. He came, we had a nice dinner, then when my wife went out for a few minutes, he layed the Judicial questions on me.

    That's WT loyalty for you.


  • wheelwithinwheel

    No real breaking point, just a lot of cracks finally added up. Here’s one thing that really bugged us.

    A couple of years ago a new NWT, French edition, was brought out. Apparently a few Hebrew and Greek names had not been properly translated and were being mispronounced. The WT explanation was so feeble it was a laugh. The worst thing was that the pronunciation logic presented was not followed when it involved a well-known name. The elder who had to deal with the meeting part and explain these changes privately termed it « pretty stupid ».

    Now this happened to be at the beginning of the voluntary contribution era and seemed to be a good money-making scheme ... at least we think so.

    Everyone was told to get themselves a proper (new) bible and give a generous contribution for this loving provision.

    I remember reading from my old Bible a few months later and getting « looks » of « Oh, you rebellious one ».

  • DIM

    treating women like a 2nd class citizen....my wife and I felt sick everytime somebody joked around on the stage about women cooking, cleaning, whatever. I am not the head of my wife. I don't care if that is in the bible or not. We are equal partners.

    We got tired of hearing how great the JW's are at every meeting. Seemed liked the Nazis to me.

    All of the doctrinal issues (1914, 144,000 in heaven....i could go on and on)

    All of the back stabbing and slander of people. I certainly don't see any love among the JW's. Yeah, there are alot of good people in there. But in general, I don't think you can say they have "love amongst themselves"

    I don't know, there is probably way more than I've typed. But I think those are the essentials.

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