Hey Ana,in some cases people jump the gun on trolls.Many times its just a newbie who dosen`t understand the interaction of the board,taken for a troll.Other times it`s a troll you recognise,with a new name,playing games with the innocent and or the good hearted.Then theres the troll whose just out to hurt as many as possible.I`ve come across all 3 just in the last few days.I try to give everyone a chance,I don`t even mind troll`s who mean no harm.It`s the abusers I dislike.Then theres the flame wars between the board regulars.Not much you can do about that except let-um duke it out.(LOL)Don`t let the stress that sometimes happens on the board get to you.I`ve had disagreements with my friends on the board,but I don`t mind because we always work it out,or agree to disagree.For the most part we have a good group on this board..I hope your ailment clears up,you are one of the kindest,giving persons on the board.Not to mention your a pretty lady.....OUTLAW