The Most bizzare & Scariest thing happened to me last night

by dm6 35 Replies latest jw experiences

  • HappyDad

    This happened to me once about 8 years ago and it was totally unbelievable and scary once I actually did wake up. It was sooooooo real!

    I'd prefer if it never happened again because I don't know the cause behind it


  • dm6

    Hey guys! nice response so far thanks! i knew some people would be able to relate to it, since its actually quite common, sleep paralysis. But this experience was much different, i was fully awake but just paralysed, almost like a snake bite, awake and conscious completely, butcannot move. This was not my usual sleep paralysis.

    I just wondered if i was in for some stephen hawkins type disease, that would totally horrify me, being completely paralysed.

    Thanks to everyone so far! makes me feel at ease a bit that people can relate, although this is a different feeling to my usual SP.

    And btw cptkirk, yes it does have everythign to do with that! its my in game name for the popular game my name is dm6, like the map campgrounds.

    here is my youtube channel for it.

  • mummatron

    I woke up in the night once to find myself feeling pinned down to the bed and incapable of moving. As I started to come to, I realised it wasn't sleep paralysis but something was literally pinning me down. My first thought was "Aaaaaarrrgghghhhhh!!!!! DEMONS!!!!!". I wanted to scream but my chest felt crushed. I was about to start a silent prayer when suddenly "the demon" started grunting and groaning. It got up off my chest and started batting at the light switch cord which hung above my bed. I grabbed the cord and yanked the light on only to find that "the demon" was in actual fact my little brother. He'd been sleepwalking again. He'd got up, walked to my bed and laid down on it (only he'd laid down on me). Him reaching for the light switch and missing was because he normally slept with a light on, whereas I always needed darkness. He woke up feeling and looking very disorientated when I'd turned on the light.

    Twice in my entire life that I can recall, and for no discernable reason, I have woken up and my sight has been entirely black and white for nearly a minute until the part of my brain that dealt with seeing in colour, woke up.

  • kp138

    Sounds like you were have a precursor to an out-of-body experience. I've researched OBE's a lot but never had one. I kind of experienced what you described. I suggest reading a book by William Buhlman

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    It actually sounds like a type of seizure. I would see a doctor.

  • Hortensia

    it does sound like possible seizure

    or night terrors

  • jwfacts

    Sounds terrifying. I have had sleep paralysis once. At the time I thought it was a demon attack, but have since learnt it was sleep paralysis and is common. Funny thing was I tried to call out Jehovah, but since I was paralysed I could not utter any sound, so realised how pointless the whole concept of calling on Jehovah is in such a situation.

    As a side point, I later learnt that it is the name Jesus, not Jehovah that the New Testament says to call on in such situations:

      Mark 9:38-39 "John said to him: "Teacher, we saw a certain man expelling demons by the use of your name and we tried to prevent him, because he was not accompanying us." But Jesus said: "Do not try to prevent him, for there is no one that will do a powerful work on the basis of my name that will quickly be able to revile me;"
  • NewChapter

    I've experienced sleep paralysis since I was a child. It used to scare me to no end. Then I saw an explanation on a science show, and was so very relieved. It is hard to explain, but very real while happening. Understanding it helps ease the fear some---or at the very least the recovery time. Instead of listening to my pounding heart and freaking, I'm able to tell myself the scientific explanation.

    If you fear it is something else, then get checked out. We can't diagnose you. I can only tell you I've dealt with it for 40 years. It's not as scary today as it used to be.


  • FifthOfNovember

    Oh my god...

    I've had sleep paralysis happen to me twice in my life. Hands down the scariest shit I've ever gone through. The first time, my eyes open up, I can't move and there is a creature putting sensors on my head, conducting tests on me. And one was standing over me watching. I tried my hardest to scream or move (I think I was trying to punch it) but I couldn't do anything. I mean, sure that doesn't sound scary but it seemed so real.

    The second time it happened I didn't see anything but I just felt like something was approaching me. I didn't even remember falling asleep for this one so it seemed like I went straight from being awake to this happening. Everything loudly powered down, the fan next to me slowed to a halt, and I just felt like something was approaching, coming to get me. While it was happening, I felt like I was shaking a lot, trying to move but when I snapped out of it I realized I didn't move at all and the fan was still running, and my alarm clock wasn't blinking so the power hadn't gone out.

    Honestly, I'd never want anyone to go through this. It's the scariest thing that has ever happened to me. You just feel nothing but fear, and the fact that you're awake, it seems so real, and you can't move or scream makes it horrible.

  • Rabbit

    It could have been dreaming...while asleep...about being awake...

    Here's a link just today that explains a lot about what really happens when you first go to to sleep:

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