Yep, and you could bad mouth God and Jesus, but don't you dare bad mouth the GB you apostate!
Governing Body Worship
by dontplaceliterature 18 Replies latest jw friends
No Room For George
During a WT Study a couple years ago, there was a picture of a GB member and something captioned underneath the picture, but it didn't identify who the man was. The purpose of the picture was not to glorify the man's position, but rather illustrate a point about what he was doing. A brother whom I love dearly, but places far too much importance on titles went out of his way to comment on the picture. He said in more words or less, "That's brother such and so and his wife, and yadda yadda yadda." It was obvious by the comment that he thought that his knowing who the guy is was something to be impressed with. Later on a couple brothers I spoke to made the point to me that he was trying to be impressive by knowing who the GB guy was.
Another incident more recent, involves a pioneer sister I know who's REAL ambitious. She reminds me of Zebedee's mother who asked Jesus to ensure that one of her sons would sit on His right side, and the other on His left in the Kingdom. The only difference being that this woman wants her son, her husband, and herself to be at the same table or in the same picture of any Bethel heavyweight. She came close not that long ago by eating dinner with some heavyweight in New York, which afforded her the oppurtunity to eat with one of the GB, which one I can't recall. She relayed all of this to me as if it were to be impressive, when the reality is I don't care. She also made it a point to emphasize to me that this GB guy was real humble, and just like us.
At the KM School for elders this past winter, the big whig from Bethel related an experience he and another brother had. They work exclusively with one of the GB, I want to say Splane, but I'm not sure. He stated from the platform how he and the other brother were in awe that one day, this GB member will be in heaven with spirit creatures, and that he and the other fella were privileged to work with this brother before his sendoff. It was sickening.
At the KM School for elders this past winter, the big whig from Bethel related an experience he and another brother had. They work exclusively with one of the GB, I want to say Splane, but I'm not sure. He stated from the platform how he and the other brother were in awe that one day, this GB member will be in heaven with spirit creatures, and that he and the other fella were privileged to work with this brother before his sendoff. It was sickening.
The funny thing is these will the same "friends" who look down on "worldly" people because of their Jesus-centered worship. The prayer at the end of the Saturday session of the DC started with "we thank you Jehovah for the spiritual food provided by the F&DS and GB..." I'm not sure they thanked Jehovah for Jesus' ransom sacrifice though.
Like Nomad said, you can say something about Jehovah or Jesus, but you say something against the "slave" and you are outta there!
Serenity...not sure if you were joking or not....he was GB from 1974-2006.
I found the hero worship of the Governing body strange and creepy.
The GB of the Mormon church get worshiped the same way and there's an equal amount of lies and corruption surrounding that religion as well.
the men now serving on that body were "just like us" - that one of them had been divorced (I did not know this), one of them was a Vet from 'Nam (I think I had heard this), and that one of them had several children, etc.
Resistance is Futile
How could the Rank and File possibly rationalize a member of the Anointed Class serving in the military and fighting in the Vietnam War? Didn't JW's go to prison over refusing to serve?
I believe it, Finkelstein. I was thinking today about doing some research on Mormons so that I could talk about it with my family. Then they could join me in bashing a religion that is just like theirs.