This fake ass religion has costed me so much but now it has turned my son away from me. I am so hurt, my heart is broke, and feel completly defeated. He refuses to call me, blocked me on my Facebook account, and went back to the people in the Org who threw him under the bus, called him names, slandered him, stole from him and these were so called brothers and sisters! Ive seen so much out of these people who called them selves christian it would blow your mind at the stories that I have (or maybe not) I even stopped hanging with them long before I stopped going because I deemed them bad ascoication. I came to my sons aid so many times in the past because of these assholes, and made myself an enemy to them because of the shit they would pull on me and my family because I was a sister and I wasn't suppose to defend myself or my family as to not disrupt the unity of the cong.I tell you what if the elders show up at my house they are going to get more than just an earfull out of me, I have fucking had it!!!!!
I am so hurt and angry
by Igot2bme 25 Replies latest jw friends
I am so sorry - you have every reason to be hurt and angry!
I feel for ya and hope things with you and your son can be patched up. He may open his eyes one there to catch him.
Thank you for your words Magwitch and Mrsjones...I have been crying off and on for the past couple of days. I have always been close with my children and never thought that this would be something that would happen to our family, hopefully this to shall pass.
Disfellowship him - ignore calls, visits, etc. It will be hard but he will get the message, especially when they dump on him again and he tries coming back to you.
Very sorry to hear this. I can't imagine what it's like to get that treatment from a son, I've only experienced it with a brother and my parents. The pain and frustration makes you want to hold someone responsible, doesn't it? You want some accountability. I get angry that I can't find a single person at the top of the chain, kidnap him, and drop him off in Juarez with multiple cartel gang signs tattooed across his back.
Hang in there and don't give up on him. I reached a point in which I thought my wife would never wake up from the JW pipe dream but she did and now we're out as a family. Stay strong, sister.
Mickey mouse
I'm sorry, I can't begin to imagine how hurtful that is.
Those bastards n Brooklyn have a lot to answer for.
You are in a very sad situation. I know of many a jw who was financially and spiritually taken advantage of by fellow jws who they trusted. Yet these damaged jws stay loyal to the org. The saying blood is thicker than water I feel is true. My children have made mistakes and I came to their aid. They may not show appreciation or want to be close to me, but I feel obligated to help the ones that are my flesh and blood.
My heart goes out to you! It's a heartbreaking and difficult situation. I too am fighting to keep my son. I've had it with everyone and the elders too. I just read the July 15th WT on apostasy and my blood boiled. It is vile and evil and a supreme example instilling of fear and of mind control.
The elders were harrassing me at one point and I've told them to cease and desist in gossipping behind my back and discussing me - I told them it's none of their business. I REFUSE to meet with them and I try to stay under the radar. At least until my son matures. I think talking to them might make matters worse as I then cannot keep my mouth shut and my time to speak is not yet - it's coming but I'm biding my time (while I can). I don't know too much of your situation but blasting the elders might cause bigger problems - they can decide to make an example of you. Really think things out and try to come up with a plan of some sort. Get lots of exercise and take care of yourself so that you are strong and your mind is as clear as it can be. Try not to do anything impetuous - I know it's hard!
I highly recommend reading the book Hold On To Your Kids by Dr. Gordon Neufeld - it explains what happens to the brain neurologically when it comes to attachment. The society is keeping us immature (stunted frontal lobe development - logic and reasoning/decision making) and attaching family members to them rather than to each other. This way each member is capable of being loyal to only ONE source - them. They use fear and fear also keeps the brain from maturing. Holiday celebrations are banned because they develop close family ties which bonds family members to each other and they don't want close family relationships. They want to preserve their membership and not lose entire families.
On the upside - they don't know the meaning of unconditional love. That is they key to getting through to our children. They may stray from us but if we continue show them that we are there for them unconditionally - they may find their way back to us. That is my hope.
I wish you all the very best.
Sending love,
Thank you for your responses, I feel I have more compassion shown to me here than in the whole 20 years I had been in the org. I hope that he will come to his senses, I would never turn him away if he needed to speak to me. What gets me is that I'm not DF'd and he and the rest of my crazy ass in laws (the ones who have persecuted me through out my time in the org.) have marked me. Ever since the convention they have taken it upon themselves to exclude my daughter and my husband from all the family get togethers. Not all of my husbands family are witnesses and the other non-witness family members were invited. I feel that they are using this to punish me and also using my son against me also. All and all I am glad that I am away from that poison bunch of so called Christians!