Arab Regimes, Not Israel, Are Guilty of Racism

by ThiChi 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • ThiChi

    After reading some very interesting claims on the last Israel/Us Funding issue, JanH started a side point on Israel’s “racism” and pointed to Egypt as an example to follow. I would like to share this viewpoint:

    Arab Regimes, Not Israel, Are Guilty of Racism
    Morton A. Klein
    10 September 2001

    It´s an upside-down world, as the old saying goes. At the conference on racism, in Durban, Arab delegates and their allies accused Israel of racism and human rights violations - yet it is the Arab world that is rife with government-sanctioned racist practices, human rights abuses and mistreatment of women.

    Jews are continually victimized by Arab racism. The Palestinian Authority, with the active support of the Arab countries, bombs, shoots, stabs and stones Jews for one reason only - because they are Jews. The PA and the Arab regimes insist that the residents of every Jewish community in Judea, Samaria, Gaza and much of Jerusalem must be expelled, for one reason only - because they are Jews. And Jewish holy sites such as the Tomb of Joseph and Jericho´s ancient Shalom al-Yisrael synagogue have been destroyed by the Palestinian Arabs for one reason - because they are Jewish.

    Anti-Jewish racism is the theme of the culture of hatred and violence that is promoted in Arafat´s official media, school text books ("One must beware of the Jews, for they are treacherous and disloyal," according to the text Islamic Education for Ninth Grade), speeches by PA officials and sermons by PA-appointed clergymen (in one recent sermon, "Allah decreed that in our lives, we are to humiliate the Jews sooner or later...the Jews are the enemies of Islam"). In PA summer camps, Arab children are taught how to slit the throats of Jews. Rabbi Eric Yoffie, leader of Reform Judaism, recently denounced the PA´s "neo-Nazi language" and warned that the PA is raising an entire generation of children to hate and murder Jews, for one reason only - because they are Jews.

    Black Africans are also the victims of Arab racism. The Arab government of Sudan, for example, sponsors militias that massacre and enslave blacks. The Arab government of Mauritania likewise permits blacks to be enslaved.

    Christians, too, are systematically persecuted by the Moslem regimes. U.S. courts have even granted asylum to Palestinian Arab Christian refugees on the grounds that they would be oppressed if they return to the PA areas. In PA-controlled Bethlehem, Muslim mistreatment of Christians has caused a steady stream of emigration, with the city´s Christian population having dwindled from 80% to just 20%. U.S. Senator Connie Mack and a delegation of Zionist Organization of America leaders met in 1999 with Palestinian Arab Christians who described, first hand, how the PA routinely harasses Christians, arrests them on false charges and prohibits them from building or renovating churches. Christian cemeteries are frequently desecrated by Palestinian Arab Muslims.

    The Coptic Christians in Egypt are subjected to government-sanctioned discrimination in employment and university admissions, as well as occasional massacres by Muslim terrorist groups. The Maronite Christians of Lebanon have been slaughtered and suppressed by Yasir Arafat´s terrorists and the Syrian Army. Saudi Arabia prohibits Christian worship and even objected to crosses being worn by the American soldiers who defended Saudi Arabia against Iraqi aggression during the 1991 Gulf War.

    While the Arabs falsely accuse Israel of human rights violations, in fact such violations are rampant throughout the Arab world. Torture of political detainees is "widespread" throughout the Arab world, according to a July 2001 report by the Cairo-based Arab Organization for Human Rights. The PA itself has tortured to death at least 16 Palestinian Arab dissidents. In addition to torturing prisoners, the Arab regimes engage in "repression of peaceful protest, massive arrests, restriction of freedom of the press, closure of newspapers and detention and imprisonment of journalists."

    Not one Arab regime has a free press. Not one Arab regime has free, democratic elections. Not one Arab regime permits complete freedom of speech. Convicted criminals are routinely subjected to cruel and unusual punishment in the Arab world. In Saudi Arabia and Libya, thieves are punished by having one hand cut off. Public whippings or beatings are common in many Arab countries.

    The treatment of women in the Arab world is likewise appalling. In Egypt, Jordan, Yemen and Palestinian Authority areas, women suspected of violating Muslim fundamentalism´s moral code are often murdered by relatives seeking to avenge their "shame." Such "honor killings," as they are known, "are regarded with leniency by the law" in PA territories, according to Daoud Kuttab, a prominent Palestinian Arab journalist.

    Throughout the Arab world, women are routinely treated as second-class citizens or worse. In Saudi Arabia, women are prohibited by law from driving cars. The Palestinian Arab newspaper Jerusalem Times recently reported that sexual harassment of women in the PA territories is worse than in many other parts of the world, because of "the wide spread of the phenomenon, the lack of laws against it, and the feebleness with which laws that do exist are implemented."

    Throughout the Arab world "workers face serious violations of internationally recognized worker and trade union rights," the Jewish Labor Committee reports. For example, unions are illegal in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Oman; collective bargaining is prohibited in Libya, Iraq, Somalia and Yemen; and taking part in a strike is punishable by death in Sudan.

    Yes, racism and human rights abuses are terrible problems in the Middle East - not in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv, but in Gaza, Amman, Cairo and Damascus. It´s time for the leaders of all civilized countries to speak out about where the real racism is to be found - in the Arab world.


    """Jewish Resistance to Invaders

    It is this land which the Romans, incensed by the fury of the Jewish resistance to their oppressive rule, later (135 B.C.E.) called Palestina, an illegal imposition by a foreign power, derived from the Philistine Indo-Europeans of Aegean origin who settled in the southwest maritime plain of Canaan and, after their defeat by King David around 1000 B.C.E., eventually disappeared. Thereafter, the Romans and succeeding invaders destroyed and obliterated this land so that for almost two millennia there could have been -- and was -- no "Palestine" or "Palestinian" identity.

    With the Arab conquest, the Roman-Byzantine province of Palestine, by then fragmented, further degenerated into the Junds of Filastin and Urdun, mere subdivisions within the wider domains of the Damascan Caliphate. Filastin was, therefore, never a country but the fading vestiger of its Judean precursor and generated no corresponding identity. Following the Crusaders, even these shadowy descriptions disappeared as the area was repeatedly invaded and further fragmented into subdistricts now identified only by the sub-capitals from which they were ruled. The manner of its division and rule under the Ottoman Turks shows that by then this region had ceased to play any distinguishing role in the life and culture of the Arab-Islamic world.

    During these sterile centuries, the Land of Israel/Palestine persisted only as an abstract Judeo-Christian concept -- the subliminal image of its Jewish past. Even the Arabs have confirmed this truth, not least by their hostility to the creation of Mandated Palestine in what, for them, had become merely a southern part of Syria. Ironically, this mandate for regenerating the Jewish homeland, provides even for the PLO the only real definition of Palestine in their history. In short, the Jewish homeland was destroyed almost from the moment that it was called Palestine, so that Palestine never became an established reality. All this leads to three conclusions of paramount importance:

    1. The Jewish homeland is the first and only indigenous, self-defined entity to have emerged in a region which otherwise was merely an arena for conflict, or within the subject domain of foreign powers. This entity is uniquely rooted in Jewish national history, which constitutes the very essence of its being. Indeed, the case for Zionism is not that Jews are justified to a "homeland in Palestine," but rather that Palestine's reconstitution is itself justified primarily by the Jews' right to recover their homeland.

    2. As the Peel Commission observed, "Palestine had dropped out of history," so that the Palestine Mandate did not preserve an existing entity but, through Zionism, recovered the Jewish homeland from its biblical foundations.

    3. The dimensions of this state were expressly designed to reflect this biblical precedent, its only precursor, which at various times had covered both banks of the river Jordan (from the Hebrew "Yored Dan" -- descending from Dan). It therefore emerged as a composite of various configurations induced by internal and external pressures on the Hebrew kingdoms, its actual borders being determined by those of then existing entities.

    The False Image

    Hence, modern Palestine was created for the Jews, who had never surrendered their title to the land nor ever acquiesced in its foreign domination. Moreover, this Palestine included, for the same historical reasons that justified the Mandate itself, the topographical area of "transjordan," which Britain later caused to be illegally differentiated as the unprecedented Arab state of Jordan. That collective sovereignty in this land (of which "TransJordan" is a natural part as defined by the history of the Jewish nation which gave it birth), is the prerogative of the Jewish people, a truism enshrined in all documents leading to and including the Palestine Mandate.

    Unfortunately, revival of the slave name "Palestine" has enabled the creation of a false image. Arabs could never claim Eretz Yisrael but, by portraying its historically disparate peoples as an indigenous nation, they now lay claim to an imagined Arab Palestine. Yet a true nation finds its expression in common ideals, institutions and achievements, for an y evidence of which we would search non-Jewish "Palestine" in vain. A true nation is united by a sense of kinship and a kindred ethos, whose group consciousness has been molded by a common history, culture and tradition, by a common language and common institutions, all of which are distinctive from others among whom, or next to whom, it lives and who are uniquely associated with a particular territory. No Arab "Palestinian" entity qualifies on these terms. No such entity existed or recognized itself or was recognized as such by others. The local non-Jewish population not only failed to achieve their own specific identity, but even failed to contribute to the well-being and preservation of the country pioneered by the Jews. The encapsulation of these peoples within the newly revived Jewish homeland gives them the semblance of a political unity without historical foundation and which they had not previously sought nor claimed.

    Due attention to the true historical setting therefore plays a crucial role in correctly appraising and defining the parameters relating to the Arab/Israel conflict and in the search for a solution reflecting the true balance of historical/legal rights to the Land of Israel.""

    Time is what keeps everything from happening all at once - Buckaroo Bonsai

  • Satanus

    Jews may have invented racism. All non jews are called gentiles. The word gentleman comes from the word gentile. Their old testement and talmud is very effective at perpetuating racism.


  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    A very interesting post indeed! Perhaps, we should remember that there are many "factions" operating in both spheres of influence. There are liberal factions in the arab community (not many and mostly outside of the middle east) and there are the usually militant factions.

    The same can be said about the west and Israel. What cannot be said are blanket statements attempting to rigidly "fix" the position of any of parties involved, since things keep changing, almost daily.

  • Carmel


    You are right. Both the pot and the kettle are black! I've found racism in every country that I have traveled in including Japan, Russia, India, China, Turkey, England, Lebanon, Egypt, and alas Israel and the US. As many problems we have in our treatment of Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, etc. here in America, I honestly believe we lead the world in becoming aware of our shortcomings and are addressing them well ahead of most of the rest of the world.


  • Satanus


    USA Today - Vigilantes Take Up
    Arms, Vow To Expel 'Muslim Filth'
    By Jack Kelley

    HEBRON, West Bank - After a quick prayer, Avi Shapiro and 12 other Jewish settlers put on their religious skullcaps, grabbed their semiautomatic rifles and headed toward Highway 60.

    There, they pushed boulders, stretched barbed wire and set tires afire to form a barricade that, they said, would stop even the biggest of Palestinian taxis. Then they waited for a vehicle to arrive.

    As they crouched in a ditch beside the road, Shapiro, the leader of the group, gave the settlers orders: Surround any taxi, ''open fire'' and kill as many of the ''blood-sucking Arab'' passengers as possible.

    ''We are doing what (Israeli Prime Minister Ariel) Sharon promised but has failed to do: drive these sons of Arab whores from the Land of Israel,'' said Shapiro, 42, who moved here with his wife and four children 3 years ago from Brooklyn. ''If he won't get rid of the Muslim filth, then we will.''

    Claiming they have been abandoned by Israel's government and determined to rid the West Bank of Arabs, vigilante Jewish settlers are shooting and beating Palestinians, stealing and destroying their property and poisoning and diverting their water supplies, Israeli and Palestinian officials say.

    Though Jewish extremists have lashed out before -- most notoriously in 1994 when a U.S. settler, Baruch Goldstein, gunned down 29 Arabs in a nearby mosque -- never before have they struck with such frequency, Israeli officials say. And nowhere has the violence been as intense as in this disputed city, believed to be the burial place of the Biblical prophet Abraham.

    Nearly 450 right-wing Jews, all of whom are armed and claim a Biblical right to the land, live here among 120,000 Palestinians. Many, like Shapiro and his colleagues, are ready to strike at any time.

    Israeli and U.S. officials have warned Sharon that if the violence against Palestinian civilians increases, it could enflame already high emotions and lead the entire region into war.

    ''It only takes a spark to light a very big fire here,'' says Yossi Sarid, a left-wing Israeli opposition leader. ''This is a city that is cursed.''

    'A time bomb'

    Since the start of the latest surge of violence in Israel a year ago this month, at least 119 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli civilians in the West Bank and Gaza, according to B'Tselem, an Israeli human rights group that has been critical of both sides. Hundreds have been hospitalized, it says.

    During the same time, at least 30 settlers have been killed by Palestinian gunmen.

    In July, Jewish vigilantes killed three Palestinians, including a 3-month-old boy, in Nablus. The State Department condemned the attack as a ''barbaric act'' of ''unconscionable vigilantism.'' No one has been charged in the attack.

    ''These people are a time bomb,'' says Hanna Nasser, Palestinian mayor of the West Bank city of Bethlehem. ''No one is safe.''

    The almost daily attacks have been condemned by nearly all Israelis, including most settlers. Politicians, who fear the extremists will spoil Israel's attempt to portray itself as the victim rather than the aggressor in this conflict, have been the most vocal.

    ''These Jewish terrorists are criminals,'' Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres says. ''They've gone too far.''

    Yet, the attacks are expected to increase, Israeli officials say. A group of Jewish vigilantes who possess bomb-making materials has formed in Hebron, the officials say.

    The group, which claimed responsibility for three recent Palestinian deaths, has been distributing fliers in the West Bank that read: ''Revenge is holy. It should be up to the government to do it, but unfortunately, the government does not care about the murder of Jews. There are people whose patience has run out.''

    Security officials also say they fear that the extremists are widening their targets to include Israeli police and soldiers sent to protect the settlers, as well as Western diplomats and European peace monitors. All have recently been attacked. The settlers accuse them of not doing enough to protect them or of favoring the Palestinians.

    On Aug. 21, 85 European Community monitors who had patrolled Hebron since 1994 withdrew after complaining of weeks of verbal and physical abuse by the settlers. ''Every day, we were kicked, dragged and beaten by the settlers,'' says Karl-Henrik Sjursen of Norway, chief of the observer mission. ''They made life impossible for us.''

    Shots at a taxi

    On a recent Sunday, Shapiro and the 12 other extremists spotted their first target: a white Palestinian taxi that had turned the corner and begun to rumble toward them. From a hill 50 yards away, the Jewish men could be seen removing the safety locks from the weapons. Their wives were grabbing extra ammunition clips. Their children, all of them younger than 12, were picking up rocks.

    But the Palestinian driver, upon seeing the settlers, brought his Mercedes stretch taxi to a sudden stop 50 yards from the checkpoint. He quickly turned the car around. Cursing aloud, Shapiro ordered the men to open fire. The shooting lasted for 10 seconds.

    At least two bullets hit the car. One shattered its back window. Several women wearing white Islamic headscarves could be heard screaming and seen ducking. It wasn't known whether anyone was injured.

    ''We'll keep this up until we eliminate all the Muslim filth,'' Shapiro said before the confrontation. ''We have to: It's our Jewish duty.''

    'God's land given to us'

    Analysts such as Elisha Efrat of Tel Aviv University estimate that 10% of the 177,000 settlers in the West Bank and Gaza are extremists, people who are willing to die before giving up their land.

    Many of them live behind 25-foot tall stone fences and bulletproof windows in Hebron. The 450 settlers here, and the 7,000 others who live down the road in Israeli-controlled territory, see themselves as the guardians of Hebron, which is considered Judaism's second holiest city after Jerusalem. All are protected by several thousand Israeli soldiers and police.

    ''This is God's land given to us, the Israeli people,'' says settler Ariel Fischer, 38, citing Biblical passages that support Israel's claim of the land. Like most of the extremists, he's Israeli-born. ''If you don't wear a yarmulke (skullcap), get out.''

    Hebron is also home to 120,000 Palestinians, many of whom live in the hilltop area of Abu Sneineh.

    For centuries, Arabs and Jews coexisted peacefully in Hebron. Then a riot in 1929 resulted in the deaths of more than 60 Jews. The British, who governed what was then Palestine, resettled the remaining Jews elsewhere.

    In 1967, after Israel captured the West Bank of the Jordan River, some Jews returned. But those who came were the most ideologically extreme of Israelis. Backed by government policies that encouraged them to move into the West Bank, the Israelis claimed a Biblical right to the city and demanded that the Arabs leave.

    Then in 1997, the Israeli army, which had controlled Hebron since the war 30 years ago, withdrew from 80% of the city and ceded control to the Palestinian Authority.

    The remaining 20% was left for the settlers.

    That was a recipe for disaster, settlers say. Almost daily since last September, there have been shots fired into their settlement by Palestinian snipers. In response, Israel put 30,000 Palestinians, whose homes surround the settlement, under a 24-hour curfew. It prohibits them from leaving their homes, even to go to a doctor or attend school, and jails them if they do. Twice a week, the curfew is lifted for a few hours to allow the residents to shop. The rest of the time, they are in their homes.

    Last week, hundreds of Israeli troops, backed by dozens of tanks and bulldozers, swept into Hebron for several hours to destroy buildings they say had been used by Palestinian snipers. Settlers want Israel to reestablish control of the area by permanently reoccupying all of Hebron. Until that happens, settlers say, they're forced to take ''pre-emptive actions'' to stop the Palestinian gunfire.

    ''People here are extremely upset,'' says David Wilder, a spokesman for Jewish settlers here. ''We're upset by the daily shooting, killings and harassment by Palestinians. People feel abandoned (by Israel's government) and so some people are going to take up guns.'' Says another settler spokesman Noam Federman, ''If we don't take up guns, we'll be ducks in a shooting range.''

    But Israeli officials say the settlers often provoke the violence. Unlike the Palestinians, the settlers are free to leave their homes at will. They regularly attack Palestinian shops while the Palestinians, who are forced to stay indoors because of the curfew, can only watch, according to human rights groups.

    Ahmad Abu Neni, 55, is blind and a Palestinian. His small kiosk of cleaning supplies has been ransacked three times since last September by settlers, human rights officials say. He also has been beaten in the back with a brick and punched repeatedly, they add.

    Neni says Israeli soldiers tried to break up one of the attacks by firing a concussion grenade at the attackers, only to set his clothes on fire. He suffered third-degree burns. His shop now closed, he survives on handouts of food and money. ''If I had money and could see, I would leave,'' Neni says. ''It's just a matter of time before they beat me again.''

    Nearby, Nafez Bani Jaber, 45, was burying all 123 of his sheep. He says they were poisoned last week after 10 Jewish extremists chased him off his fields. Israeli police say they have found needles dipped in poison that they believe the settlers used on the sheep. Police say poison also was dumped down a nearby well that Palestinians use.

    ''First they poisoned the sheep. Next will be the children,'' Jaber says. ''These are war crimes.''

    Often, the violence directed at the Palestinians is aimed at their Muslim faith. Settlers have spray painted graffiti reading ''Mohammed is a homosexual,'' referring to the Islamic prophet, and painted Jewish Stars of David on the walls of the local Arab market. They also have surrounded Muslim women and tried to rip off their Islamic headscarves and body veils, human rights groups say.

    Samar Abdul-Shafti, 36, a Palestinian mother of two, was photographed last month trying to escape several settlers who were beating her as they tried to remove her headscarf. It has happened two other times since then, she says, revealing bruises on her arms, legs and forehead.

    ''The Jews are trying to do to us what was done to them during the Holocaust,'' Shafti says. ''They must not be allowed to drive us from our homes. Someone must help.''

    'Ashamed to be a Jew'

    Palestinian police say they don't have the means to defend the Arab residents.

    Israeli soldiers seem unwilling or unable to help. Noam Tivon, Israeli Defense Forces brigade commander for Hebron, says his soldiers are in Hebron to protect the settlers, not the Palestinians. Tivon says his soldiers and police officers often are ambushed by settlers whom he calls ''hooligans.''

    The settlers accuse the police of failing to stop the Arab violence.

    ''They throw rocks at us, curse at us and vandalize our police cars,'' says Israeli policeman Shahar Mahsomi, 25. He suffered a concussion in March after a settler struck him on the head with a rock. Another settler tried to stab two police officers in the same scuttle. ''I never thought I'd be fighting Jews,'' Mahsomi says.

    The situation is just as dangerous at the nearby settlements of Kiryat Arba and Givat Harsina where nearly 7,000 settlers, many of whom are hard-liners, regularly attack neighboring Palestinians.

    ''I can't believe we are risking our lives to defend these fanatics,'' says Sgt. Avi Alamm, 28, as he watches a settler boy, dressed as the late Goldstein, walked by with an Israeli flag. Goldstein, who gunned down the 29 Muslims, is revered among some settlers as a prophet. They encourage their children to dress like him on occasion. ''The people make me ashamed to be a Jew,'' Alamm says.

    Now, many Israelis are calling on the government to dismantle extremist settlements such as the one here.

    ''The Jewish settlement in Hebron is a major nuisance, and the lawless behavior by Jews there in recent days leads to one conclusion,'' the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz recently editorialized. ''Hebron must be evacuated.''


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  • ThiChi

    The Biblical/God directed aspect is another issue.

    Time is what keeps everything from happening all at once - Buckaroo Bonsai

  • Satanus

    Cornerstone of Violence

    By israel shamir

    As F-16’s again bomb cities of Palestine, and young men again sacrifice their lives and the lives of others, Martin Indyk, writing in the New York Times, proclaims that the ‘Violence is worsening’[i]. The BBC and CNN reports, like a Greek chorus, echo Indyk with their reports of ‘Violence in Palestine’. The White House issues another plea to ‘break the cycle of Violence’. This faceless and causeless ‘Violence’ should probably be capitalized, as the ‘Wrath’ in the first line of Iliad. This eternal poem begins with a call to ‘sing the Wrath of Achilles’. In Homer’s world the Wrath (or Fury, War, Love, Hope) was a condition personified. Nowadays, we tend to see an angry Achilles or a violent husband, rather than Wrath or Violence per se. Unless, the abuser is the Jewish state. In which case, we revert to the Homeric concept of Violence as an independent being, rather then a man-made action. People seriously discuss, how to ‘deal with’ Violence in order to bring Peace.

    In the real world, Violence is not like the weather. Somebody does it, and we can usually identify the patch of clouds responsible for the rain. So it was, that when the ‘Mitchell’ process was invoked and the daily quota of killed slowly crawled down, the Jewish supremacists replayed the provocative visit of Sharon to the Haram a-Sharif by laying the cornerstone of the Third Temple.

    Immediately after the cornerstone provocation, Israel followed up with a wave of assassinations in Nablus, Ramallah and elsewhere, trying to get Palestinians to respond in kind. It seems to be a pattern. Last September, after Sharon’s visit to Haram a-Sharif, Israeli Border Police murdered seven worshippers in the Jerusalem mosque and ushered in the second Intifada. Sharon’s assassins did not stop murders until a suicide bomber obliged by responding.

    It is no coincidence. Israel wants the Palestinian uprising to go on. Israel wants not peace, but low intensity conflict. A war with Palestinians allows the Israeli leaders to keep their heterogeneous communities together, away from each other’s throat. What is more important, the war allows the Jewish leaders over the world to continue their arduous task of reviving World Jewry, a medieval run-down construct. That is why it makes no sense to speak against ‘Violence’ and for ‘Peace’. As long as the supremacist Jewish state exists, it will ensure violence and avoid peace.

    The recent assassinations also had the intent of covering up the cornerstone provocation under a heap of corpses. The meaning of this obscure ceremony was further obscured by the mainstream media, and all references to it mysteriously vaporised. For instance, Reuters reported on August 3, 2001: ‘Israeli police stormed the Temple Mount, revered by Muslims as al-Haram al-Sharif, after Palestinians threw stones at Jews worshipping at the Western Wall below’.

    Why, all of a sudden, did Palestinians begin to stone Jews? The cornerstone story was omitted, and the average American or European was left with the impression that the ‘wild‘ Muslims attacked peaceful worshipping Jews just out of spite. On this count, the unanimity of the English-language media was horrifying. The BBC, once more objective than American networks, closed the gap. They also reported of ‘Israeli soldiers who entered the mosques responding to the Muslim stone throwers’, moving a reference to the cornerstone to the end of the item. It now appears that the airing of the BBC documentary on Sharon was a singular act of courage that will not soon be repeated.

    As for the American networks, their coverage continues to be consistent. They market the Israeli line without hesitation. That is why we shall revisit the details of the strange, already forgotten story of the cornerstone. This was not your average Israeli provocation. It brought to mind the black magic incantations of Pulsa diNura, the cabbalistic formula used on the Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin. In 1995, the Israeli media covered a gathering of the important Cabbalists who invoked evil spirits and beseeched them to extinguish the Prime Minister’s life. Soon afterwards, Rabin was assassinated by a Jewish religious fanatic. An organizer of the Pulsa diNura ceremony was tried by Israeli court of law and sent to jail, for incitement to murder. You do not have to believe in black magic in order to understand the logic of the judge.

    In order to comprehend the idea of the cornerstone laying, imagine: you wake up one beautiful Sunday morning in your suburban home, have your coffee and proceed to your church. There you encounter a commotion. In front of the church, a band of men, well protected by armed soldiers and police, are busy installing a huge billboard saying ‘On this place, a synagogue will be erected in 2001’. On the background, there is the roar of bulldozer engines and the amplified voice of a Rabbi blessing the new synagogue. You would probably feel as hysterical as the hero of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to The Galaxy. Supplant your parish church by St Peter or the Holy Sepulchre, and you will understand the feelings of Jerusalemites.

    Though the Temple Mount Loyalists, the group that performed this magic ceremony, is tiny and hardly mainstream, one can’t say that about the body that gave them the green light. Overruling the police’ objection, the Supreme Court, the highest Jewish legal authority, permitted them to do their act on an auspicious date, the 9th day of the Moon month of Ab, with all its mystic meaning. All the might of the Jewish state, including thousands of policemen and army, was mobilized to allow the ceremony to take place. That is why one can compare the pithy Loyalist band with the sharp thin end of the dental pick in the hands of a dentist, pushing it far inside the tooth, in order to check whether the nerve is dead.

    The results of this painful examination were unambiguous. The nerve was apparently alive, and the quick mobilization of the Palestinians forced the Jews to re-route the Loyalists’ procession. The ceremony took place outside the Old City, a little earlier than planned. It lasted for a few minutes, and the stone was returned to its usual place, in the deep protective shadow of the US Consulate. This push of the pick caused sharp pain and the predictable response of the Jerusalemites, and afterwards, the vicious attack of the police on the believers in the mosque. What was the reason of all the trouble? Why did the Palestinian kids dare to confront the Border Police, famous for their brutality? Why was the cornerstone so important?

    Many Jews and their Christian-Zionist allies believe the precious beauty of Haram a-Sharif, the 7th century mosques of Jerusalem should be destroyed and on their ruins, a Jewish temple should be erected. Why should this be done? people provide different explanations, historical and eschatological. It is not for some historical justice, or for the purpose of prayer, as traditional Judaism forbade all interaction with the Mountain of the Lord. Some mystically inclined Jews believe this act will make Jewish domination of the world total and irreversible. This belief is not an exclusive domain of kooks and freaks, nor even of Zionists only, but rather a widespread conviction.

    The mainstream media of the West usually presents the conflict in terms of Muslims vs. Jews. But the conflict as seen by these Jews, is Jews vs. Gentiles. In their minds, the Temple Mount is a magic Ring of Power, one they should assume when the time is right. As the Ring in Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings (the British professor was a very learned man), it should bring forth the Messiah. For the Jewish mystics, this Messiah is not the Christian Messiah. In their book, the Messiah is not a gentle Jesus with a message for all mankind. Their Messiah would forever enslave the nations of the earth and make the Chosen people the masters of the universe. Their Messiah, Lord Enslaver of the Peoples of Earth, is the Antichrist of prophecies.

    As the digits of millennia jump from 1 to 2 on the meter of our Cosmic Cabby, apocalyptic thoughts come into otherwise sane heads. This is not the first time some Jews dream of world domination and of the eternal kingdom of Antichrist. Only now, they have in their possession nuclear weapons, the latest jets and battleships, huge wealth, the blind support of the US, tens of millions of willing ‘Christian Zionist’ slaves, and a broad web of tame and docile international media.

    It is not mystics only. Ten years ago, a leading Israeli journalist, Nahum Barnea, wrote in Yediot Aharonot: ‘For decades the Jews tried hard to refute the myth (of Jewish domination of the world and of enslavement of Gentiles) treating it as a morbid manifestation of anti-Semitism. Now some Jews even believe it’. The late Jewish thinker, Israel Shahak commented: ‘The ruling Likud party (let alone the extreme right-wing) genuinely believes in the myth’.

    The leading Israeli daily, Haaretz reported that Sharon, like Barak before him, sneaks out to visit the wizards of Cabbala for advice. It is all quite fashionable; Cabbala schools, courses and shops drew their net over the Jewish state. The Holy Land turns into a Waste Land according to their guidelines. This is not a matter of chance. Cabbala is ascribed to the first century mystic Simeon b. Yohai, whose best known maxim reads, ‘Smash the head of the best of snakes, kill the best of Gentiles’.

    This archaic model of domination, genocide and enslavement calls for archaic religious content. Many Israelis sense the re-emergence of the ancient spirit of hate and dominance. The weekend supplement of Haaretz published a short story of an American president who tried to disobey the orders of the Cabbalists and was removed by his subordinates. The Jews are destined to rule the world, preached Rabbi Leichtman, a leading Cabbalist, in a long article printed in Vesti, a Russian-Israeli paper. In the chat rooms of the Israeli Internet, one can find more heady stuff. They quote an old poem by Uri Zvi Greenberg, a late Hebrew poet, who called for extermination of the Gentiles. Greenberg did not limit himself to Palestinians, like the late Menachem Begin, nor only to Arabs, like the highest spiritual authority in Israel, Rabbi Obadiah Joseph. The extermination of Edom, a traditional code word for European and American Gentiles, appears as a plausible option in the feverish minds of Cabbala followers.

    This feeling spills into the Jewish diaspora. In the heart of the US, in Atlanta, there was a recent debate in the Jewish Community Centre in presence of the Israeli Consul, a Jewish businessman, a prominent Atlanta rabbi and a NY Times reporter. An observer wrote to me, ‘I was struck mostly by the comments of the rabbi. While claiming to be a non-Zionist, he declared (we have him on tape) that the ultimate reason for creating Israel, as he interprets it, is to become the world's controller of power and wealth. Jews will eventually overthrow world governments and be assigned positions to lead the world. This, he felt, will occur in a short number of years’.

    At the other end of the world, in Russia, a Jewish follower of Sharon’s own ultra-Nationalist Jabotinsky movement, ‘Eliezer Dacevich-Voronel’, who described himself as a Jewish University Professor, composed a poem: ‘We, the Chosen Ones, are united by hatred to the slave tribes that rose, dethroned our ancestors and rejected our God. Once you knew of your place in the world, a swine must stay in its sty. You revolted, and forced us to serve you, but now your end is nigh. We are your masters. You are our slaves. This is God’s design. Soon our sun will rise again, and the slaves would not dare to look at it. And then, the Lord of My People will appear in Heaven, while we, the dozen of dozen thousands (i.e. 144,000) of Chosen Ones will sit it the great amphitheatre and watch the miserable columns of souls crawling into their paradise. By God’s will, we shall name it Auschwitz’.

    They even speak of genetically re-constructing the King of the Antichrist. The brilliant maverick, Dr Avi Ben Abraham, seems to be the man behind the project. This unusual man recently returned to Israel after some years in California, where he worked on a Star Trek-like Deep Freeze project for very wealthy Jews. Loaded with money, Ben Abraham built a palace in Caesarea on the seashore of Mediterranean, some 50 km north of Tel Aviv, and contacted the Italian genetic expert, Dr Severino Antinori. Ben Abraham, who received his doctor of medicine degree at the unheard of age of 18, hinted at his plans in an interview with Haaretz. A few days ago, his project received some benign attention from The New York Daily News, the newspaper of Mortimer Zuckerman, a Jewish supremacist billionaire and the head of Conference of Jewish American Organisations.

    The men of hate and vengeance are ready to seize the magic ring of power, the Temple Mount, to enforce and perpetuate the rule of the Antichrist. But it can not be done by brute force, due to a medieval prohibition, Issur Homah. A premature action could backfire. A Jewish religious leader from Brooklyn, Lubavitcher Rebbe, was considered by his disciples a potential Messiah, and that is why he never ever came to the Holy Land. He did not feel himself ready for the trial of forces. Meanwhile, the children of Palestine, brothers of Faris Ode, nephews of Christ keep these religious fanatics at bay. Now, Sharon and his band of mad believers try their hand by snatching the Orient House, a Husseini mansion in Jerusalem. If this is allowed to quietly pass, it will make for one more step to the Ring of Power.

    The soul-searching Russian writer, Eugene Zamyatin, composed a short fable of Gospel quality. It is a story of a man who decided to build a temple, but had no money. He waylaid a merchant on the highway, tortured him to death, extracted a lot of cash and built the temple. He invited a Bishop and many priests and ordinary folks, but in a short time they left the church: the place stank of murder. One can not build the temple on the blood of innocents. An elder contemporary of Zamyatin, a Jewish thinker from Odessa, the ‘spiritual Zionist’ Ahad HaAm, put it in simple and beautiful words:

    - If this be the Messiah, I do not wish to see his coming

  • ThiChi

    SS: I wonder why??

    ""The Palestinian grudge against Israel is not just a political one, but a religious one as well. So says Director of Palestinian Media Watch Itamar Marcus in his recent report and at a recent oral presentation at Tel Aviv University's Jaffe Center for Strategic Studies. In his paper entitled "Islam's Mandatory War Against Jews and Israel," Marcus documents Islamic holy leaders declaring Jews to be "the eternal enemies of Allah," and the killing of Jews to be Allah's will. Palestinian Media Watch monitors the Palestinian media and issues regular reports, which can be had by emailing [email protected].

    "The Palestinians have redefined the conflict from one over borders, in which compromise may be a solution, into a religious war for Allah in which compromise is heretical," Marcus explains. Religious leaders in the Palestinian Authority who lead Friday services in mosques continuously emphasize the following eight points:

    * Jews are the enemy of Allah

    * The killing of a Jew is a religious obligation

    * All agreements with Israel are temporary in nature

    * Islam is fighting a religious war against the Jews

    * Palestinians are the vanguard in this war against the Jews, but all of Islam is obligated to assist them

    * All the of the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea is Islamic trust and any Muslim who relinquishes his land is damned to hell

    * Allah will replace Muslims who shirk their duty to fight Israel

    * The ultimate destruction of Israel is a certainty

    Marcus notes a number of horrifying quotes straight from the mouths of Palestinian Authority religious leaders that make the above points, including the following:

    "We the Palestinian nation, our fate from Allah is to be the vanguard in the war against the Jews until the resurrection of the dead, as the prophet Muhammad said: 'The resurrection of the dead will not arrive until you will fight the Jews and kill them…'"

    -- Dr. Muhammed Ibrahim Madi
    Palestinian Television
    March 30, 2001

    "The Jews are the Jews... They are all liars... They are terrorists. Therefore it is necessary to slaughter them and murder them, according to the words of Allah... it is forbidden to have mercy in your hearts for the Jews in any place and in any land. Make war on them any place that you find yourself. Any place that you encounter them, kill them. Kill the Jews and those among the Americans that are like them... The Jews only understand might. Have no mercy on the Jews, murder them everywhere..."

    -- Preacher Dr. Ahmed Yousuf Abu Halabiah -
    [member Palestinian Sharianic (Islamic religious law) Rulings Council, and Director of Advanced Studies at the Islamic University]
    Palestinian Television
    October 13, 2000

    "Blessed is he who fights Jihad in the name of Allah, blessed is he who [goes on] raids in the name of Allah, blessed is he who dons a vest of explosives on himself or on his children and goes in to the depth of the Jews and says: Allahu Akbar, Blessed be Allah. Like the collapse of the building upon the heads of the Jews in their sinful dance-hall, I ask of Allah that we see the Knesset collapsing on the heads of the Jews."

    -- Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim Madi
    Friday Sermon, Palestinian TV
    June 8, 2001

    "The Day of Resurrection will not come without the victory of the believers over the descendants of the monkeys and pigs and with their annihilation."

    -- Sheikh Muhammed Abd Al Hadi La'afi
    [Responsible for Religious Teaching and Instruction in the Office of the Wakf]
    Official P.A. newspaper, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida
    May 18, 2001

    Quotes from PA religious leaders regarding territorial compromise:

    "We are discussing the current problems and when we speak about Jerusalem it doesn't mean that we have forgotten about Hebron or about Jaffa or about Acre.... we are speaking about the current problems that have priority at a certain time. It doesn't mean that we have given up... We have announced a number of times that from a religious point of view Palestine from the sea to the river is Islamic."
    [Note: Jaffa and Acre are Israeli cities.]

    -- Sheikh Ikrima Sabri
    Palestinian Authority's Mufti of Jerusalem and Palestine
    Palestinian Television
    January 11, 2001

    "Even if agreements were signed [regarding] Gaza and the West Bank, we will not forget [the currently Israeli cities of] Haifa, Acre, Jaffa, the Galilee Triangle, and the Negev. It is only a question of time. . ."

    -- Dr. Ahmed Abu Halabiah
    Palestinian Television
    October 13, 2000

    "All of the agreements entered into [with Israel] are temporary, until the decree comes from Allah and until the destiny from Allah is realized."

    -- Dr. Muhammed Ibrahim Madi Palestinian Television
    July 28, 2000

    "We exaggerate when we say 'peace'... what we are speaking about is 'Hudna', a temporary ceasefire."

    -- Arab Knesset Member Abdel Maleh Dahamshe
    Palestinian Television
    September 1, 2000

    What so-called "Palestinians" Teach in School:

    "Patriotism in Islam: In Islam, it is not improper for a Muslim to love his homeland. To the contrary, Islam encourages this, and established its defense as an obligatory commandment for every Muslim if even a centimeter of his land is stolen. I, a Palestinian Muslim, love my country Palestine... Islam considers anyone who is killed while defending [the land] a martyr of the highest order..."

    -- Islamic Education Code (sixth grade)
    Part A, p. 67-68
    September 2000

    "Oh you who are Jews, if you think that you are favored of Allah, to the exclusion of others. Then long for death if you are truthful. But they will never long for it because of the [deeds] their hands have sent before... as for the death from which you flee, that will surely overtake you..."

    -- Passage from Koran
    Sixth grade PA textbook, p. 23

    By the time Itamar Marcus sat down at the conference, the attendees were horrified. Arutz-7's Ariela Dworetsky, who attended the conference, reported participants asking questions such as, "In light of these Palestinian goals and truths, how could we ever imagine sharing a lasting peace with them?" and, "With incitement like this, do we have to wonder why there are so many Palestinian volunteers ready to kill themselves in suicide attacks?"

    The next speaker, Arab Knesset Member Dr. Ahmed Tibi, was expected to argue against the evidence of hatred and incitement that Marcus had just presented - but instead of refuting it on a logical level, Tibi appealed emotionally on behalf of the "poor Palestinian refugees who are being ruthlessly murdered by Israeli soldiers." However, Tibi soon discovered that after close to a year of post-Camp David violence and killing, there isn't much sympathy left for the Arabs even at a public forum in the bastion of the Israeli left - Tel Aviv University. Dr. Tibi was booed repeatedly from start to finish.""

    Time is what keeps everything from happening all at once - Buckaroo Bonsai

  • ThiChi

    Utopian Reformist: Very fair and balanced comments....I do enjoy your posts.........

    Time is what keeps everything from happening all at once - Buckaroo Bonsai

  • Satanus


    The roots to this were planted in 1948 and before that, when irgun, using terrorist tactics massacred a few towns. Terrorized, 700,000 palestinians fled. When they later trickled back,trying to return to homes, businesses, bank accounts, israeli soldiers barred their way. And so, refugee camps started. This is the main cause of the plo/israeli problem.


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