Ten minutes in person might clear up the subjective notion of many here, that some what's his name lord, is speaking to humans today.. Isn't this how, Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon religion got his start?
My understanding is that he claims to have met up with some angel named "Moroni", dear Moshe (peace to you!). Given his professional and political aspirations in connection to THIS world, however, I would offer that if he DID (and I highly doubt it), Moroni certainly wasn't an angel of my Lord, the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit, JAHESHUA, the Chosen One of JAH (MischaJah).
Number 2 complete should read:
Yes, but it didn't, Jer...
I left that out on accident, but that's what I meant.
Oh, you mean... "See, what it was, was..." Yeah, okay. Right. Go on 'n fix it, bruh...
forget everything I said.
Yes, of course. Would be easier, though, if you would just stop saying such peurile stuff sometimes. Makes my heart go out to you, truly... and makes me wanna "educate" you, just a little. You know, so you don't always look so... well, you know what I mean...
this is everybody's thread and people should express how they feel. We all see the theist non-theist debate from our own perspective.
Thank you, dear Glad (again, peace to you!). I personally don't understand why certain NON-believers get so up in arms. I mean, what is it to THEM? I could see if I ran around saying, "You MUST be a christian or you're gonna die!"... or "God HATES those who are not christians and/or don't believe in Christ!" THAT would rile me, I think. It does pinge on me a little... because it's not true or accurate. The whole "christian" thing is about... and to... Israel - and those who go with - who make up the rulers of the kingdom of God. It is not about the subjects of that kingdom.
Thus, the lion's share of my posts are either to those who PROFESS TO BE "christians"... or in defense of MY faith, sometimes even to those who so profess. I can understand when some of THOSE have an issue with what I post... because of their profession of FAITH... but inability to HEAR. I get that. But those who say they absolutely do NOT believe - why take issue with MY faith?? Indeed, why take issue with MY faith... more than that of others?
Because... such ones "understand" the [lack of] faith of these others; because they shared it, at one point. Mine, however, is something different, something such ones have never THOUGHT of, let alone HEARD of. But... anyone can certainly READ about it... and those whose faith was similar. Particularly those who claim to have faith in the Bible. I mean, after all, it is in there...
I would like to share a moment from my past.
Thank you for sharing that and I get what you mean; however, I have to say that I never had such "friends" or experiences. I did hear my Lord's voice as a child... on several occasions... and each time it either saved my life... or tried to warn me to pending harm. Each time. I did not know... until my Lord called me by name... that it was him. I knew "someone" was there; however, it was never a "person"... but only a voice. Whether it was the voice of God, of "Jesus", of an angel, a "demon", or an ancestor... I did not know. To hear folks tell it, it could have been any one of these. I ALWAYS knew, however, that is wasn't ME.
And I still know that now. Truly, there is absolutely NO WAY I would and could know... hear... and see... the things I do... on my own. Absolutely NO way.
But the original thought was that christians USED to be sure of what they believed. That SOME no longer ARE... doesn't negate the existence of those of us that DO. I absolutely know what I believe. I am as sure of it as I am of who and what I am. And I can say that... openly and with full conviction. Unfortunately, that seems to rub some folks the wrong way. Should I, then, start pretending that I DON'T know... even lying... so that such folks WON'T be rubbed wrong? That is a serious question... and I look forward to what you and others might have to say about that.
Again, peace to you!
A slave of Christ,