More Underwater Civilisations

by Earnest 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Earnest

    At 21:00 GMT tonight there is a programme on Channel 4 entitled "Flooded Kingdoms of the Ice Age". Author Graham Hancock scours the seas for evidence of the earliest civilisations, which he believes were submerged when the polar ice caps melted at the end of the last Ice Age. In tonight's programme Hancock makes some finds off the west coast of Malta and along the "Bimini Road", a megalithic structure in the Atlantic.

    No doubt those who believe in a universal flood will continue to do so and those who don't will not, but it will add to the larger picture that we have on this subject.


    "Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun the frumious Bandersnatch!" - Rev. Charles Dodgson.

  • Fredhall


    Did they found any cats there?

  • seedy3

    There was a recient find in the Black Sea, of some towns or villages under the water. Also a suspect to have been the reason for the flood story.


  • Earnest


    Cats and water don't mix. You'll need to look to Egypt, where there is no account of global flooding, for a large selection of felines.


    "Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun the frumious Bandersnatch!" - Rev. Charles Dodgson

  • Earnest

    The gist of the programme was the idea that there is evidence of an ancient civilisation that was flooded at the end of the ice age. As the ice sheet receded and the ice melted he maintains that there were three surges of flooding water which raised the sea-level by 400 feet and covered an overall area larger than the continents of North America and Australia combined. He claims that these occurred 7, 11 and 14 thousand years ago and that the second surge was the factual basis for Plato's account of Atlantis.

    He referred to a number of underwater ruins from antiquity including :

    1. Sonar readings in the Gulf of Cambay, India which reveal two underwater cities each covering ten square miles which were flooded about 7000 years ago.

    2. A gigantic stone circle near Kerama off the coast of Okinawa, Japan.

    3. Massive submerged walls near the Pescadores off the coast of Taiwan. No trace remains of the civilisation that built it.

    He also referred to evidence of civilisation underwater between Malta and Sicily and suggested Malta may have been under the rule of the civilisation of Atlantis. Some time was spent on the Bimini "road" which are parallel rows of submerged stone blocks off the coast of the Bahamas but I found this evidence unconvincing.

    There is more to come this Monday evening, same time same TV channel for those in the UK who may be interested.


    "Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun the frumious Bandersnatch!" - Rev. Charles Dodgson

  • Simon

    He was on BBC Radio 4 talking about it the other day - the primise is that the ancient civilisations were more advanced than we give them credit for and a lot was lost.

    During the last ice age the sea levels would have neen lower so lots of the places that people lived (near the sea) are now underwater which is why archeologists have not discovered a lot of the stuff.

    Sounded pretty interesting but while Graham Hancock has some great theories and writes interesting books I think his scientific credibility is low.

  • Reborn2002

    "Did they found any"??

    Good Lord FRED, take some grammar classes.

    The true Kingdom of God is located in your heart, not an organization of hypocrites. for my new webpage and info!! Im trying to live now!!

  • anewperson

    When the other show airs list what it has to say here again, please. I don't think you mentioned the recent major discovery right off Cuba.

  • Earnest

    The second programme on Underwater Civilisations was specific to the continent of India and the evidence of marine archaeology and flood accounts in Indian literature.

    The first flood account referred to was from the town of Dwarka on the tip of the Gujarat peninsular in NW India. This town is sacred to Krishna as he founded it and lived there until he died. When he departed earth the legend says the town was swept away by a great flood. Although there is evidence of a submerged civilisation in the bay it is not dated earlier than the Middle Ages. However, the account of the flooding of Dwarka is a part of the cycle of Indian myths of a flood survivor, Manu, who built an ark and became father of future mankind. This is referred to in the Vedas which were composed about 1500 B.C but based on older oral traditions.

    Much time was spent establishing the existence of a pre-Harappan civilisation in the Indus valley with the intention of showing that the account of the flood went back at least 6000 years. Reference was made to the discovery of the ancient city of Dholavira which had an advanced civilisation in 3000 B.C. Another reference was to an image of a man in the yoga position of Mulubandhasana found in the Harappan city of Mohenjo-daro and claimed to be 4,700 years old. I thought the link of this image with the tradition of Manu to be rather tenuous but it did demonstrate the antiquity of yoga itself.

    The next reference was to the Tamil myth that a temple in the ancient city of Majari (spelling uncertain) on the coast of southern India was established by survivors of the flood. It was claimed that 10,000 years ago the sea rose and destroyed a civilisation but no evidence was provided for the age of the legend. Nevertheless, the plurality of flood legends was of interest.

    By far the most impressive part of this programme was the discovery of two ancient cities at a depth of 120 feet in the Gulf of Cambay, NW India. Man-made objects discovered there yielded carbon dates of 9,500 years ago which were confirmed by both the Birbal Sahni Palaebotany Institute and the Indian National Geophysical Research Institute. These included micro-tools, pottery, jewellery and other ornaments which Dr Badrinarayanan, consultant for India's National Institute of Ocean Technology, identified as prior to the Harappan period. They appear to be twin cities about the size of Manhattan, one being 8 kilometres in length, the other almost nine kilometres. Both appear to be along ancient river courses. Images picked up using sub-bottom profiling, which detects materials beneath the sea-bed, showed massive foundations very regularly spaced which suggested huge walls. Sidescan sonar beamed along the sea-bed showed geometrical structures about 70 x 40 metres. It also showed square, platform-like features about 98 metres in length. Much of this information was provided by Dr B.Sasisekaran, Research Associate of the National Science Academy, and was demonstrated by computer simulation.

    I will also report on the third and final episode of this series as soon as I have opportunity to review the videotape.

    anewperson...pleased to hear you found this of interest. I have not mentioned any discovery off Cuba as it was not referred to in these programmes. I am simply repeating the programmes I've seen as they provide additional food for thought beyond what the scriptures say and science has determined.


    "Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun the frumious Bandersnatch!" - Rev. Charles Dodgson.

  • lurk

    this latest programme i notice hes very carefull with what he says.
    he credibility is low cause he altered the degrees of the orions belt to make it fit the pyramids ..tut tut amoung others things
    the sea encroched over long periods but if there were and sudden flood moments over those thousands of years of ice melting and any survivour would have found the rest of the land was dry so why would they say the world flooded. i dont see how it fits a global flood ledgend.just a thought

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