More Underwater Civilisations

by Earnest 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Earnest

    Today The Guardian reported the discovery of what appears to be a temple complex up to a mile off the coast of Tamil Nadu, India. This would seem to corroborate the Tamil myth referred to in the post above. The full report, entitled "Divers 'discover' ancient temple", can be read at,3604,682031,00.html and is copied below.

    Indian and British scientists have brought back pictures from the seabed of what they say could be a vast temple complex off the coast of Tamil Nadu - the ruins of a long-lost city, drowned beneath the waves.

    The granite ruins, if they are not natural formations, could be what remains of six legendary temples built 1,500 to 1,200 years ago, submerged as a result of natural subsidence.

    However, Graham Hancock, the best-selling author of controversial books about lost civilisations, said the ruins could be much older. If they were submerged by globally rising sea levels, their age would be around 5,000 years.

    The pictures are the result of a three day diving expedition by India's National Institute of Oceanography and the Dorset-based Scientific Exploration Society. Mr Hancock, who dived with the team, said yesterday that SES had carried out the expedition at his suggestion.

    "Our divers were presented with a series of structures that clearly showed man-made attributes," said Monty Halls of the SES, who led the expedition.

    "This is plainly a discovery of international significance that demands further exploration and detailed investigation."

    The site lies at depths of five to seven metres, 500 to 700 metres off Mahabalipuram, the site of a temple on dry land that dates to the first millennium AD.

    Mr Hancock, who is not an archaeologist and has infuriated many experts with his theories, said that he had inferred the existence of six temples underwater by collating the stories of local fishermen with a legend that referred to Mahabalipuram as the Seven Pagodas.

    Mr Hancock admitted yesterday that the submerged ruins might not be old enough to relate to the kind of post-ice age flooding that destroyed the supposed civilisations of his books.

    But he said their discovery vindicated his approach of seeking the substance in local myths. "I have argued for years that the world's flood myths deserve to be taken seriously - a view that most western academics reject. But here in Mahabalipuram we have proved the myths right."

    Mr Hancock said the site ran for about two kilometres, and contained "a large conglomeration of large, clean-cut blocks in discrete areas. They seemed like several large ceremonial buildings surrounded by a lot of smaller ones."

    This is your local underwater civilisation news-spotter signing off.


  • dungbeetle

    Bible flood, or 'Noachian Flood' as I've heard it referred to, is not the same thing as a 'global flood'.

    There is so much controversy today--and a lot of good old-fashioned discussion and really good debating--over just how much of the land's surface was actually covered, even I am throwing in the towel and saying.."okay okay!!"

    For those of us that have devoted years of our lives to Biblical study, the idea of underwater civilizations more advanced than we have given them credit for is very exciting. Even now we have problems throught the earth's societies with technology more advanced than we can handle. As it stands now, we are leaving our descendants millions of tones (so I understand) of nuclear waste to have to deal with becasue we were so stupid. (we'll be dead so they can't put us on trial and execute us thank goodness).

    How sad to think that this may have happened once before. When will we ever learn...

  • Prisca

    Interesting post. Even if it doesn't give absolute proof for a global flood, it is still interesting from an archaelogical point of view.

  • Earnest

    I agree that these reports do not provide proof of a global flood. However, it is clear to me that the diversity of these accounts together with the many flood myths that abound indicate that there was a catastrophe of global dimensions in the recent (geologically speaking) past.

    Mr. Hancock reminds me a bit of Erich van Daniken who wrote a number of books some years ago to demonstrate that archaeology proved aliens once visited the planet. I think he (Graham Hancock) sometimes reads more into underwater structures than they actually say. Nevertheless, we should not ignore what is there simply because it is exaggerated. And I have the feeling that the sum of these many discoveries is greater than their parts but am unsure what that sum will prove to be. I suspect we will each consider the evidence and come to different conclusions but I hope that each discovery we learn of will cause us to re-examine the conclusions we have reached.


  • *lost*


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