Hello Bill,
I can see how there could easily be something going on with their 'translation' of Leviticus 5:1
... And how that would relate to the child abuse issues.
The only thing that comes to mind, is, to share that with the:
Australian Royal Commission
Charity Commission for England and Wales
IICSA ~ Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse
They can all be contacted directly via their websites...
The latter two, are still gathering information, so if this can assist the process...
As for scholarly help, in being able to understand and convey this in a way that others will understand ... Winston, from the YouTube channel :
'Watchtower Examination'
is the only person who comes to mind...
To increase your chances of getting a hearing, I think it would be good to not give them the whole truckload, all at once, like in your original post.
Just focus on defining, as best you can, your understanding of Leviticus 5:1 and how it relates to the child abuse issues.
Like how you wrote the first part...
And if you hit the paragraph space key, a bit more often, it makes it easier to read...
I wish you the best of luck