by Hairyhegoat 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Since being out, I learned that worldly kids get gifts all throughout the year, but especially on Christmas.

    They really did get all the fun. I was a Witness to their fun

    I used to stand looking out the livingroom window and watch the kids bike, skate, and hop (pogo sticks) on by.

    All the while wishing we could be JW's and celebrate the holidays.

  • exwhyzee

    I live in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains so we'd go up to the ski slopes every Christmas and New years. Since almost every adult was a janitor or the equivalent, if we wanted to be with our friends we had to slide down the slopes near the parking lot on innertubes instead of skiing like we'd have liked to. We were little kids so it was still fun because it was the only time we got to do anything as a group other than the occasional wedding. I rememer one Elder (also a janitor) standing at the top of the slopes shouting " WHO SAYS JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES NEVER GET TO HAVE ANY FUN ? "

    One year my Mom and three other sisters got on a huge innertube. Mom was in the middle with her arms spread out. The two sisters laid across her arms and they all held on for dear life. Because of their combined weight, they went farther and faster than anyone. We looked on in horror as they went off the slopes and down into the trees. Mom couldn't protect herself beccause the two sisters had her arms pinned down. She wound up with a broken nose when a tree branch struck her across the face.

    Later as teens, we were able to buy our own skis and lift tickets and drive ourselves up to the slopes. It was JW day and a lot of fun knowing or meeting everyone from other Halls and having the whole place to ourselves until the sad and wicked worldly kids showed up later on with the new skis and ski cloths they got for Christmas.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Yup, XYZ, Mt. Hood was a popular attraction on New Year's Day for JW's.

  • Morbidzbaby

    Nothing... At the most, some JW's would get together and watch a movie (either at home or at the theater) and have Chinese food. Other than that...I stewed over all the great stuff I WASN'T getting...

  • Glander

    Watch the Detroit Lions lose a football game.

  • watson

    By not buying holiday gifts throughout the year, we were able to alot more time to spiritual things. We were able to work less, and spend time in the ministry.

    Most Christmas days now, we meet with our fellow Christian warriors and participate in the door to door ministry.

  • clearpoison

    We ate christmas food and opened gifts given by non-JW relatives and then did other things. We never ever even fantisized going in field service on such days. Other friends in congregation might have done things in other way.


  • WTWizard

    I have had the displeasure of wasting several Christmases as a witless. One year, I ended up wasting the afternoon and evening with the scumbag that dragged me into the cancer (he insisted that, otherwise, I would be celebrating Christmas). That afternoon, I got to see some movie on a VCR, and listen to them bashing people for celebrating Christmas. Another time I almost ended up in field circus, save for the surprise snow that made the father have to work. I ended up wasting that day going to an empty A$$embly Hell, and then an empty Kingdumb Hell. Bah! Humbug!

    Most of the time, I would listen to music from tapes made off records. I didn't dare turn on the TV or radio because they had Christmas music going, and even the TV had Christmas music during the commercials. It was really dreary, without any colored lights or Christmas ornaments.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    In Sydney, Australia, they go to the beach!!!!

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Being an outside even in the religion it was worse then worse. I did not get to do Christmas of course but I also did not get to hang with the JW's kids who went skiing that day either.

    So when school started up after the winter break I got to listen to all the fun the worldly kids had as a family and when I went to the meetings I got to hear about all the fun the JW's kids had skiing that day.

    Than when I got older and then got married it was allbasically the same, being we were pioneering we never had the money to go skiing and I still was not really welcomed anyway.


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