The practice of shunning, even semi-shunning, is sick. It's a made up doctrine using the twisting of scriptures. I cope through prayer and my own spiritual practices. It helps me understand the whys and wherefores, and be able to love them anyway. I try to look past their fears and brainwashing, and see who they are sans the religion.
Thank goodness, the org throws in a little dose of "exceptions" (i.e., "except for family business") to pacifiy those who would otherwise be cast into traumatic doubt. However, there are some that have no problem whatsoever with totally cutting family members out. (Perhaps, it's a good excuse not to have to deal with problem family members that may be draining on them in other ways.)
I, or any semi-biblically literate person could take just as many scriptures along with scriptural examples and "create" our own doctrine against this horrendous practice. I'm confident anybody could twist the scriptures to condemn this practice. Disfellowshipping seems biblical to me, but not shunning.
The practice of disfellowshipping and shunning serves the borg in many selfish ways. I don't see it ending anytime soon.
I am semi-shunned. That is, my JW family talks to me when I call. Sometimes they even call me. But, we don't get together very often anymore, take vacations together, or otherwise associate much. It's very limited. Our conversations avoid discussions of a spiritual nature. I'm expected to listen with rapt attention as they relay their recent regurgitated feast of spiritual food received at some convention, but I, on the other hand, must remain silent as to any spiritual enlightenment I may have had recently.