Thank you all for your replies...
been snooping in here all day, but theres just something I have to make clear for some before it goes any further...
First things first;
I am male, not female. And very much on the "straight" side if I may add. (For more info please read, or at least skim through my first post if you'd like to better understand my life, I do know it is quite lengthy).
Secondly, I would like to say that this in no way is easy for me... I stuggle with this everyday. I feel it eating my insides away slowly.
And Shechaiyah I apologize for not being more clear, but that was not the freedom I was refering to... As you may know there are many, many Jehovah's witnesses who are inslaved to the money cycle and are just as self-centered as non-witnesses, at least that is the case in my hall, and I would'nt be surprised if others agreed. And no I am not acting phony, Like I said i am fading... its not a light switch type deal here, trust me, if I could have left I would have by now. There are a couple who are aware of my situation, few who have wondered, serveral who have paid no attention all, and many who have started gossip, but I dont really care much about that. And also, I believe that no single human being ever knows there mind that well at all but I'm still young so I guess only time will tell...
Oh and on a side note, thanks for capitalizing the "T" in truth... really made me pause a bit there... but oh well cary on...