Sept.15th WT - Submit to the WT Society or Jehovah Will Not Know You

by flipper 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    SHECHAIYAH- WT society has definitely been sneaky and underhanded for sure. And they are the farthest thing from being like Jesus

  • shechaiyah

    Well, what shall we do about that?

    I want to find somewhere with other people who can "groove" with me.

    Is that okay with everybody here?

  • flipper

    SCHECHAIYAH- Well, what many of us ARE doing about the WT society being underhanded is waking people up , newly exiting Jehovah's Witnesses are joining this board and other EX-JW boards all the time due to realizing the deception being pulled by the WT society. Many people posting on this board accept people unconditionally and just want people to think with free minds by escaping cult mind control.

    So many of us are doing that here. You are certainly welcome to help people wake up in any manner you want as long as it helps. If that " groove " fits in with you then that's cool. If not, well you are good at starting threads also , so certain points you will be able to make very well on those as well. You make some good comments on topics for sure

  • shechaiyah

    I am beginning to feel comfortable here; and the Body here seems to be tolerating my strangeness.

    This is a good sign.

    Thank you. :)

  • flipper

    SHECHAIYAH- I'm glad you feel comfortable here . We all have strangeness about us , myself included- so don't worry about that at all ! Nice to have you here

  • shechaiyah

    :hug: I love dophins for their playfulness.

    You'll do, also.


  • flipper

    SHECHAIYAH- Well thanks, I appreciate that

  • flipper

    BTTT, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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