OnTheWayOut: I like how the Bible implies that Adam tried to find suitable company from among the animals.
I mean, it doesn't spell it directly, but leads to the suggestion that Adam had sex with animals, but it wasn't going to work out.
I heard this theory before, many years ago.... At the time it made me think that Women are nothing more than Help, like a animal. I know thats kind of crazy, but Gen 2:18, leaves room to suggest such a thing, would it be unreasonable to think that god created a companion for Adam, but did was not suitable. which seem like a contradiction, since God creates things perfectly.
Larsinger58: Adam, though with an adult body, had not developed sexually yet. It was not until he ate of the tree of knowledge that he was even aware of his sexuality and thus became aware that he was "naked." So Adam, being prepubertal until he ate the fruit, wouldn't be having sex with animals, but would have observed sex in the animals.
There is no contradiction if you read the account with the correct insight.
Well, god said to them “Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth..."
How was that gonna happen if they did not Sin, by eating the forbidden fruit? No sex in paradise, Is no paradise. How is that for Insight.