first contradiction in the bible?

by cptkirk 82 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Smoky

    OnTheWayOut: I like how the Bible implies that Adam tried to find suitable company from among the animals.
    I mean, it doesn't spell it directly, but leads to the suggestion that Adam had sex with animals, but it wasn't going to work out.

    I heard this theory before, many years ago.... At the time it made me think that Women are nothing more than Help, like a animal. I know thats kind of crazy, but Gen 2:18, leaves room to suggest such a thing, would it be unreasonable to think that god created a companion for Adam, but did was not suitable. which seem like a contradiction, since God creates things perfectly.

    Larsinger58: Adam, though with an adult body, had not developed sexually yet. It was not until he ate of the tree of knowledge that he was even aware of his sexuality and thus became aware that he was "naked." So Adam, being prepubertal until he ate the fruit, wouldn't be having sex with animals, but would have observed sex in the animals.

    There is no contradiction if you read the account with the correct insight.

    Well, god said to them “Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth..."
    How was that gonna happen if they did not Sin, by eating the forbidden fruit? No sex in paradise, Is no paradise. How is that for Insight.

  • dm6

    i think its funny when you see pictures of adam and eve with belly buttons.

    Think about it.

  • Leolaia
    gen 1:27 - god creates adam and eve, tells them to be fruitful.

    There is no "Eve" in P's creation narrative (ch. 1); nor really is there an "Adam" in either narrative (P and J). "Adam" first appears as a proper name (occurring without the definite article) in the fragment of J's antediluvian genealogy in ch. 4 (4:25). Prior to this, instead of 'dm we encounter h-'dm "the human being" as the phrase that refers to the first human being. This is how it is in J's creation/Eden narrative; there is no "Adam," simply "the human being" and then "the woman" who was created from the human's rib. Only after the fact is she named "Eve" (3:20), but the first human is still called "the human being" in the Cain and Abel story (4:1), even when "the woman" is properly named "Eve".

    In P's independent creation narrative, h-'dm has a very different reference. It does not refer to the first male human as in J; it refers to the creation of both male and female human beings: "God created humanity (h-'dm) according to his image, in the image of God he created it ('tw, sing.masc. pronoun agreeing with h-'dm), as male and female (zkr w-nqbh) he created them ('tm, pl.masc. pronoun)" (Westermann). This more accurate translation recognizes that reference here is generic, as it is in God's creation of "vegetation" in v. 11-12, "sea monsters" in v. 21, and "wild animals" in v. 25. The traditional English translation of "man" facilitates the interpretation of God creating a male human when in fact h-'dm refers to human beings in general (humankind, humanity), not males. God creates humans in the plural (as the plural pronoun indicates, in parallel with "sea monsters", "birds", and "wild animals"), and of both sexes. This could presume a pair, or it could presume a population of humans. They are created together simulateously (from the POV of the narrative), on the same day, and they together comprise h-'dm. Very different from J's story, where h-'dm refers to a solo male human and continues to refer to him even after a female is created to compliment him.

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason


    You put a smile on my face when you wrote that "female is created to compliment him". That's the great weakness of men, isn't it? They want their women to compliment them. Of course, I know you meant "complement".



  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 are from different sources. It is possible they were amalgamated by Ezra or during his time. The same process happened with other parts, such as when the two Flood stories were amalgamated.


  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    I find it so unbelievable that there might still be someone who thinks the Creation stories are to be understood literally.

    Studying the events in space clearly show evolution in process, taking millions upon millions of years. Telescopes show us stars at each phase of their evolution, from birth, maturity to death, and then to rebirth.

    When we see a star, the light reaching us could have taken milllions upon millions of years to reach us. The further we see, the earlier we are seeing.

    Thinking that the Creation myths are real stories (who was there to record it?) limits the understanding of these ancient writings.


  • Leolaia

    OMG, I makes a typo! Oh noes!

  • cptkirk

    "limits the understanding of these ancient writings" you value these ancient writings? nice. and you find it hard to believe anyone takes them literally. you got one foot in sanity and one foot in inanity. why not bring that other leg on over so you can shed the remnants of your delusion completely. *'s ....not...literal.....but....still...has....value..*

    the deed for my 47 million dollar 50,000 square foot mansion is not literal....but i love looking at it!

    who was there to record it? the whole point of believing the bible is that you believe in god. ie. god told moses. if you believe in god, believing god told moses then becomes reasonable.

    the foundation of the jewish mythology is pretty much centered on moses talking to god on the mountain top, and at the burning bush. for believers, this is obviously integral, believing this sets the stage to believe a whole whole lot of malarky.

  • cyberjesus

    TIM TIM TIM... you dont learn do you? .... ahhhhh waste of time?

  • cyberjesus

    you wanna find love in the bible?.... sure there is lots.... with Lot's family.. :-) I am sure you can find a lot of places of love.... and lust and sex.. and incest and rape... and polygamy.... and polyandry.... even bestiality... you name it... you can find anything you want in the bible..

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