While channel surfing the other day, I caught something on TLC called Toddlers and Tiaras. I watched it! I couldn't help myself! I was appalled, but at the same time the whole social implication of such a thing fascinated me. It was bizarre. Have you seen it? What do you think about entering kids in these kinds of pageants?
What do you think about beauty pageants for kids?
by journey-on 59 Replies latest social family
It's a great way to show your kids how much you don't love them.
Of course the parents tend to be extremely pushy at getting their kids to go to these pageants, however is that any different from pushing a child to participate in a sports team or to learn an instrument?? If the child is enjoying themselves then I don't see a big issue with it, it's still down to the parents to teach morals and discipline whatever the child's extra-curricular activies are.
cult classic
I think it robs the child of some of its innocence.
is that any different from pushing a child to participate in a sports team or to learn an instrument??
I don't know....you tell me.
NO, NO, NO, and NO!!!!!
Beauty pageants for kids = parade for paedophiles.
And don't even get me started on the whole self-esteem, body image, competetiveness issues....
I think it's great. All that glamour, all that fun, all that screaming, crying, narcasism... :D :D :D
Jeez, you guys are just haters. ;D
Do you honestly expect a single person to agre with beauty pageants for kids? It's like asking if you enjoy spanking babies... ;D
LOL at shamus. Believe it or not, some people think it's a good thing, like playing baseball or learning to play the piano.
I'd like to see just one poster here who likes to spank babies... er, um, likes child beauty-pageants.