Love the green eye shadow on the monkey. That pic reminds me of an elderly sister I once knew...She even put her lipstick above her lip line like that...LOL!
What do you think about beauty pageants for kids?
by journey-on 59 Replies latest social family
Ok so what is the female equivalent??? LOL Urban Dictionary tells me it's Clamando!
That madeup monkey was still awesome.............
You evil witch!
bwaaa hahaha @ the monkey pics
Hey, how sexist is that? Come on Shamu,,, we can go commando MUCH easier than you guys! Nothing flappin' in the breeze, if you catch my drift!
** flap flap flap **
I have gone commando quite a bit, darling. ;)
It's not comfortable, let me assure you. ;(
still thinking
Sick sick sick....I dunno? whats wrong with some parents?
It's prostitution of children . . .
If people want to sell bodies for money . . . they should stick to their own.
Whenever I hear about these things, I recall that video of Jon Benet Ramsey in a kiddie pageant. Then I get nauseous.
I'm sorry, but this is one of THE funniest nights on the board (peace, ya'll!). And Lil Missus Monkey-Man... OMG... what a CUTIE (she does look like some elderly "sister" we ALL knew at one time, though, doesn't she?)!
I just want to hug her little self!! She'd probably p on me, though, so I'll pass. But DANG, she's a looker!
SA, on her own, agreeing that kiddie pageant photos are fodder for perverts. Don't get why the parents don't "get" that...