Here are some scriptures that show that the world isn't about to end, even according to the Bible! I noticed most of these in my own reading, but this page brings them all together. I don't believe in the coming system of things, though.. Any comments welcome..
Even the Bible doesn't say that the world is about to end..
by The Quiet One 42 Replies latest watchtower bible
The Bible is an excellent source of wisdom and direction of all things relevant to this wicked old world. For example, the Old Testament provides a sound blueprint for despots with genocidal tendencies. There's nothing like flicking through the pages of that Testament to thrill to the One True God's use of genocide as a means of keeping humanity in check. I love the way he uses his special "chosen" people to do his dirty work and peridocially castigates them for thier imperfection in carying out his violent agenda. The Bible also provides lots of stunning examples of women's subservience to men; the kitchen is not always the safest place for these fair creatures. Finally, if you thought the only use of stones was for for landscaping your lovely rock garden, think again: They are easily accessible devices for throwing at people people who break any of the myriad rules in the Mosaic Law code.
Like you, I thrill to consulting the pages of Holy Scripture so I can tell what our loving Creator has in store for humankind, young and old, babies and old people. I feel the urge to pick up that book right now and have another read. Now, where did I leave my blinkers.
The Quiet One
As always, it appears I have given the wrong impression. I DON'T believe that the Bible is Gods word to man, and I don't enjoy reading it since I came to this conclusion.. I HAVE to study the Bible as I am trapped in 'the truth' in a jw family. The only way I can keep myself sane is to read scriptures and either notice contradictions between the Bible and various doctrines, in this case the world being about to end, or internal inconsistencies. I was trying to start a thread that might help some, that still believe, see that EVEN the Bible (which some will defend to the death, literally) doesn't seem completely clear in its 'end of the system of things' message. If doctrines as commonly held as the 'end of the world' have no scriptural basis, even believers in the Bible could be freed from a fear of an Armageddon/Jesus returns to kill everybody who doesn't pray to him scenario. I think I'll give up trying to start threads, mine seem to die pretty quickly, and I always give the wrong impression. Thanks to steve2 for replying..
may be you need to read this
I think I'll give up trying to start threads, mine seem to die pretty quickly, and I always give the wrong impression. Thanks to steve2 for replying..
I get what you mean: Some times threads don't go anywhere. It could be the topic in the header or it could be that you start the thread when a lot of posters are not online, so it disappears. Keep trying. It's less to do with 'giving the wrong impression'than with how the topic is worded. You'll see that lots of posters have to clarify what they mean - so that's no biggie. My reply was more tongue in cheek than thinking you were advocating Bible reading.
BTW, if you suspect that the word 'Bible' might put off some others from reading your good points, word it differently, and in caps, something like: HERE'S PROOF: ONE AUTHORITY SAYS THE WORLD WILL NOT END!!! An eye-catching title written in a provocative way can tempt more people to read it.
Good luck
Playing devil's advocate, what scriptures would you use (actually mis-use) to give the impression the Bible did say the world will end,Quite One ?
There are an awful lot of end-time believers in the World, most of them in North America, so what do they point to ?
Revelation I suppose, but it is a thin argument.
Now, Jesus did talk of a day of judgement, so perhaps the doom mongerers should concentrate on that !
I disagree. And I'm sure you know well enough the actual contrary evidence to your claim yourself. But it got my attention so I looked.
There are an awful lot of end-time believers in the World, most of them in North America, so what do they point to ?
It points to that they can't tell literature from reality.
The Quiet One
Tyre- Thanks for replying, but.. There's no evidence that Isaiah was directed to us in our day, Revelation is highly symbolic and people pick and choose what is literal and what isn't, and if 2 Peter (new heavens and new earth scripture) was even written by Peter, he finished it at the latest in 68 CE. What else could he have been talking about? 70 CE perhaps? Heaven and Earth can be symbolic, heaven could even simply represent authority. See here...