
by Snowflake 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Snowflake


    For starters, I don't know what time zone you're in, makes it difficult to consider the time of your post. Where I am it's 11:23 am, prime service time. When I said to use the time instead to go out in service I simply meant something more JWish more "upbuilding" if you will. If it is not "service time" you could always do something else, as I recall personal study can be done at any time.

    Now, to my real question that still remains unanwsered. If you are a JW and believe in their teachings why would you be on a site where there are known e-jw's when this is strictly not-allowed by JW's or the WTS?

  • HenryP

    When someone leaves Jehovah’s people because of whatever reason, they are confused. This is to be expected because of the lack of Jehovah’s blessing. The person is now alone, shunned by their families if they are disfellowshipped, and in their desperate condition they start wondering if they did the right thing in leaving Jehovah’s safety. So now they come to this board to hear all the complaints, and so called proof of wrongdoing by the GB. They are really searching for a reaffirmation of their decision to leave Jehovah. They work each other up so that they can feel right about their exit.

    In the end, they are still confused. Many start doubting that there is a God. Because they don't like the answers found in the Bible, they now start to doubt the Word of God. Many in their desperate need to discredit the organization will go back to believing doctrines spread by Catholicism (i.e. Trinity).

    They try to psyche each other up, telling each other that this is a huge worldwide movement to bring the mighty Watchtower down, when in reality, there is only a few hundred posting on this board. In reality, 99% of JWs do not even know about the "supposed scandals" that many on these boards talk about. Jehovah’s Organization is safe. Even the Dateline show, that has been in progress forever, will not do any harm to JWs. Why? Because they will show both sides of the story and the viewer will again only make a decision on who they will believe. JWs will not take the show seriously and only as a an attempt to discredit them, and ex-JWs will glorify themselves as if they've done much harm. In truth, the organization will go on because of Jehovah’s backing, whether this is accepted by ex-JWs or not.

  • nytelecom1
    If you are a JW and believe in their teachings why would you be on a site where there are known e-jw's when this is strictly not-allowed by JW's or the WTS?

    becuase there are non ex-jw's here too

  • picosito

    The Watchtower has not a kind word for the Judaizers of the First Century and always fails to admit that the Org itself is the biggest Judaizer of all time. Even people in the territory have recognized that by saying "We're all Christians here" when approached by JW's in the door-to-door work. Someone that's very taken with Judaizing should simply become a Jew and be honest about it, and not hobble on the Watchtower fence caught in the Watchtower's hypocritical stance of being a "Cristian" organization while insisting on pre-Christian influences and teachings.

    Nytelecom1, why don't you reflect and meditate on responses you elicit here on this forum and learn something rather than just parrot mind-benumbed stuff from your Watchtower brainwashing? Yes, there's supposed to be "discussion" here but you don't "discuss", you indeed want only your side to be heard by hurling inane parrotings at us. We're not "anti" because we have nothing better to do. Otherwise we could just go out and burn flags and draft cards or do self-immolation for AntiGlobalness. Our "antiness" comes from reason and from experiences from our prior Watchtower course that we like to share with each other and is not a matter of memorized slogans as it is with you. It seems that anything we say to try to help you is considered "anti" because it does not agree with your memorized slogans and catchphrases.

    The only way you're helping any "lurker" here is by showing that you're an idiot, which will indeed help "lurkers" to realize that if you're representative of JW's, they should shun JW's like the plague. So keep up the good work. You're doing a great job at discrediting Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watchtower.

    'Nuff said by me to this one.

  • NameWithheld

    Henry - I'm glad you ate the blue pill. Now go back to sleep. We'll wake you when armageddon shows up. Should be 'any day now' ...

    NYteleboob: We'd love to hear the JW side. However, we don't want to hear cut 'n paste WT articles. Please come up with something a bit more original. And I'm sorry but only the freak nazi JWs still go around spouting 'Praise be to Jah' at every chance ... you haven't modernized yet have you?

  • Snowflake

    Perhaps 99% of JW do not know about the scandals talked about on these boards but that does not mean that they do not exist. The reason they don't know about any of these things is because JW are so increadibly sheltered from the outside world. When I was a JW I didn't have a clue, and it was because it was so instilled in me that researching anything for myself was wrong and that I should get all my information from society publications. If the WTS society goes on it will not be because of "Jehovah's backing" it will be because the members are taught not to look into anything for themselves and learn about what's actually going on.

  • SYN

    NYTelecom: Be very careful, the APOSTATE DEMONS on this board might actually make you use your own mind, instead of you regurgitating fatally flawed WTBTS policies and myth to us. Watch out, because you may one day read a post here that will break your programming, and then Jah will mourn your passing from the Society.

    That, or you're just pulling our collective leg...pull the other one, it has bells on!!!

    The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age

  • D8TA
    D8TA that you've been exposed to pretty much "FACTS" about the WTBTS, you're ignorance is no longer an issue. Pretty much, anyone can assume that you've dabbled in looking up the failed prophetic tripe that the WTBTS has issued since it's conception. That it has "fornicated" with it's own definition of the "Scarlet Beast". It's fickle doctrine, and baseless theology. This exposure has brought you out of ignorance. Now that you hold the knowledge, and go against it, this simply describes you in the defintion of one being "stupid".

    Unless of course you are really not a JW, in which case you need some serious work with that huge mellon on your shoulders.

    But, every kingdom needs it court jester, and you fit it well for these boards


    ~ A day no season would claim ~

  • BoozeRunner

    NYT, your party lines are impotent. We need a NEW drug. LOL Just try being creative, and put a new spin on things for crying out loud. Devise some new false prophecies like YK, or something. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


  • WildHorses

    OMG, nyt is going to make jedi with all hi bs post lol

    I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.

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